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June 27, 2024

“October 7th CHAPTER 1: Work in Progress”

Note: This series is based on several podcasts I recorded about the events of October 7th and the resulting war in Gaza. Please leave suggestions, criticisms, citations, corrections, etc. in the comments. Subsequent changes to the text will not be marked, but each draft will be given a new revision …

June 27, 2024

“Possibly The Most Important COVID-19 Lawsuit Was Just Filed Against The Government”

Originally published on Substack A novel lawsuit takes a bite at the apple in hopes of striking down the blanket immunity granted to pharmaceutical companies during COVID-19, whose products left countless Americans injured or dead. Buckle up. Perhaps the most important lawsuit was just filed against the PREP Act and …

June 27, 2024

“I Put My Trust in Jesus” – An Interview with Reggie Littlejohn Reggie Littlejohn is the founder and President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, which she founded in 2011. She is a graduate of Yale Law School. She is an international expert on China’s One Child Policy, (now the Three-Child Policy). Her organisation has been called the “leading voice” in the …

June 27, 2024

‘”‘One Health” – Where Biosecurity Meets Agenda 2030″

A blueprint for taking over food chains and natural areas in the name of public health   This is a 2022 article that is still relevant, as we are running up to the WHO’s health assembly that starts May 27.  In the assembly, amendments to the IHR (Internationals Health Regulations) …

June 26, 2024

JJ Carrell In The Field: “This is What Treason Looks Like!”

Retired United States Deputy Border Patrol Agent in Charge JJ Carrell captures on-the-ground footage of the United States Border. He is joined by investigative journalist Audra Morgan, and together they discuss what this mass invasion might mean for the United States.

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