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September 1, 2023

We Need A New Lineup

Because Overconfidence Is Killing Our Self-Confidence–August 13, 2023 Not On Your Game, Not In The Fight Dismantling The Globalist Dictatorship, One Keyword At A Time That’s how we’ve defined our mission here at Malwords Weekly for the last three and a half years. But what got you here will not …

August 31, 2023

Mostly Peaceful with Brian O’Shea: Invaded at the Border

This week, DailyClout’s Brian O’Shea spoke with retired U.S. Border Patrol Deputy Patrol Agent in Charge and Author J.J. Carrell about the current situation at the U.S.’s Southwestern National Border, and it’s worse than many think. Many of the topics discussed here are articulated and sourced in detail in J.J. …

August 31, 2023

CDC Ends VSAFE Website for Vaccine After-Effects Reporting, Page Now Reads ‘Thank You For Your Participation’

“Does this mean that the CDC believes that the mRNA Covid-19 injections are so safe, there is no need to monitor adverse event reports any longer?” Earlier this summer, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stopped collecting data on the adverse effects of Covid-19 vaccines through the agency’s …

August 31, 2023

The Shaky State of Life on Earth, What Has Gone Wrong, and What We Can Do to Correct Our Course

Geoffrey Holland interviews Joan Diamond about her thoughts on the shaky state of life on Earth, how things have gone wrong, and what humans, particularly women, can do to correct course. Joan Diamond has an executive background in private and non-profit sectors, including Fortune 500 energy enterprises including the executive …

August 31, 2023

To the Editor: Washington DC Legislative Activities Update on Written Informed Consent

  Dear DailyClout, We must protect our veterans’ mental and physical well-being by ensuring that they receive full and adequate information when they are prescribed the following black box medications – antipsychotics,  antidepressants, stimulants, narcotics, and anti-anxiety medications.    This would make it the prescriber’s responsibility to inform the veteran …

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