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September 7, 2023

Lahaina Fire Survivor Christine Borge Blasts the Maui County Council

Lahaina fire survivor Christine Borge was angry when she spoke on August 22, 2023, before the council members at the Maui County Council meeting held in the Kalana O Maui Building. Her moving 3-minute testimony ties so much about this together. “Hello, my name is Christine Borge. I guess …

South Africa COVID Vaccination

September 7, 2023

Secret Pfizer-SA Contract Reveals Govt Knew Efficacy, Side Effects Unknown When Pfizer Launched Its COVID Vaccine

A newly disclosed contract between Pfizer and the Republic of South Africa government reveals that as of March 30, 2021, months after the public rollout of its COVID vaccine in the United States and United Kingdom, Pfizer admitted: Its vaccine was still being studied. Long-term effects of the vaccine were …

September 7, 2023

How Long Can the COVID-19 Spike Protein Stay in Your Body?

  As we grapple with the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, much remains to be discovered about the virus, the mRNA vaccines and their long-term effects on our bodies. One area of particular interest is the spike protein, which is found on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2. Until fairly recently, …

September 7, 2023

Introducing Disease X: An ‘Innocent’ Vaccine Program Waiting for a New Illness

Many people all over the world never want to hear the word “vaccine” again after the COVID-19 vaccine debacle.  Yet, with new mRNA biotechnology ready at the computer screen for the next genetic code to come in, you can see how vaccine ideologists cannot wait for another pandemic to test …

September 6, 2023

Lahaina: A Predictable & Predicted Disaster

Government agencies cannot be trusted to prevent catastrophes. More coming.   I’m only about three weeks into my investigation of the Lahaina Fire and I still have a great deal of work to do before I can draw any final conclusions. However, based on my investigation so far, I feel …

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