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November 9, 2023

War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Document Researchers Explain How Pfizer HID Deaths to Secure EUA

Dr. Naomi Wolf interviews Dr. Corinne Michels and Dan Perrier, two distinguished and productive members War Room /DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Researchers, on their bombshell findings about how Pfizer hid deaths to secure Emergency Use Authorization and claim efficacy. Dr. Corinne Michels is a distinguished professor of biology with …

November 8, 2023

UPDATE: Vote on NAC Defund Rule Likely Today

Amendment # 62 of the Financial Services Appropriations Bill is Representative Hageman’s amendment to defund the “Natural Asset Companies” proposed rule. The bill is being debated on the House floor now.   Please call your U.S. Representative again and remind them to vote for defunding the NAC Rule. Ask them to: “Support Amendment …

November 7, 2023

The Wellness Company Announces Three New Ways to Protect Your Health

Dr. Robert Seik, Chief of Integrated Therapeutics at The Wellness Company, speaks with Dr. Naomi Wolf of DailyClout about TWC’s three important ways to protect your health this fall.   Products: Medical Emergency Kit Spike Support Covid Emergency Kit (Launching THIS Friday)

November 7, 2023

Neo-Marxism and the End of Language

How Globalist Oligarchs Are Targeting Western Meaning Language is changing in America; indeed, probably throughout the West. And the changes are not good. The changes I see being introduced into English speech in America, are designed to kill off the practices and assumptions of individual freedom and responsive representation that have …

November 6, 2023

Commentator J.J. Carrell’s Book “Invaded: The Intentional Destruction of the American Immigration System”

INVADED: The Intentional Destruction of the American Immigration System By: J.J. Carrell Synopsis: In the final year of the Trump Presidency, the border was within reach of being secure as the daily arrests had dwindled to the lowest numbers in Border Patrol history. Nations south of our border that once …

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