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November 10, 2023

Are Flu Shots Being Mixed with mRNA Vaccines?

Dear DailyClout, I am a bit late in sending you this, but in the event that you were not aware, there is a bit of subterfuge going on with a resurgence of peddling alleged COVID-19 vaccinations in at least parts of central Canada. Recently, a popular news radio station renowned …

November 9, 2023

Report 90: Pfizer’s ‘Post-Marketing Surveillance’ Shows mRNA-Vaccinated Suffered 1000s of COVID Cases in 1st 90 Days of Vaccine Rollout. Most Infections in the Vaccinated Categorized as ‘Serious Adverse Events.’

Though spokespeople assured us that the COVID-19 injection stops — well — COVID, Pfizer and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) both knew that during the first three months of Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine rollout, thousands of COVID cases were reported to Pfizer — among vaccinated people. The ‘COVID-19 Adverse …

November 9, 2023

“You Can Be Pro-Israel and Pro-Palestinian and Anti-Terror”

Dear DailyClout, Recently, I had the opportunity to listen to a ‘viral’ video of Professor Davidai’s impassioned plea to the world to protect us against the evils of antisemitism.  He pointed out that the world seems to have now ignored the fact that HAMAS carried out one of the worst …

November 9, 2023

Traditional, Non-Pharma Skin, Hair and Wellness Treatments

In becoming more self-sufficient, our column “Liberty Lifestyle” looks at ways to use products that don’t fatten the coffers of bad actors, and that are actually good for us. Skin and hair treatments and energy support from traditional sources, in this video, explained by Dr. Naomi Wolf.

November 9, 2023

Glyphosate Poisoning The Planet. Is Regenerative Farming The Answer?

Mindful Activist and author Ora Nadrich interviews Josh Tickell, film director and expert on regeneration and climate. Josh Tickell is an internationally recognized author, film director, speaker, and expert on regeneration and the climate. In 2008 Josh released his first feature film FUEL, which won the Sundance Audience Award for Best Documentary, was …

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