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man receiving vaccine

November 14, 2023

Report 92: 100s of Possible Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED) Cases in First 3 Months of Pfizer’s mRNA COVID Vaccine Rollout, Yet Public Health Spokespeople Minimized Their Severity by Calling Them “Breakthrough Cases.”

By late February 2021, a group of experts called Brighton Collaboration released a paper, which was published in Vaccine, clearly defining Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED), which is a more severe clinical presentation of a disease in a person vaccinated against that disease than would normally be seen in an unvaccinated person. Yet, …

Moderna Vaccine

November 14, 2023

Report 91: FDA Based Moderna’s mRNA COVID Vaccine Approval on Test of a Completely Different Non-COVID Vaccine. Only Males Included in Test.

Moderna researchers did not test their COVID-19 mRNA drug, called SPIKEVAX, to find out where it would go in our bodies (biodistribution). Instead, their biodistribution study was for a completely different vaccine. Despite this substitution of one drug study for another, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved SPIKEVAX …

November 13, 2023

Cities: How to Build for Love and Resistance; How to “Be Peace”

I’m writing on the morning of my 61st birthday — a phrase that does not trip off the tongue, or emerge easily on the keyboard! I am the only one awake yet — Brian is still asleep, and Loki, his fluffy fur having grown back after his late-summer grooming, is …

November 13, 2023

Courage to Face COVID-19 Reinstated After Amazon Banned it for “Offensive Content”

Is this David vs. Goliath or just a fluke? After the sudden removal and subsequent reinstatement of The Courage to Face Covid-19, the Amazon content review process has us concerned about Big Tech’s boot on the neck of free speech. Eighteen months after releasing the book, having earned a 4.9/5 Amazon …

November 10, 2023

How Political Establishments Sponsor Protests They Want, Suppress the Ones They Don’t, and Tread Carefully When Clients Go Off-Message

A brief consideration of how the German state has treated climate, pandemic and pro-Palestinian demonstrators. Protestors raise the Palestinian flag atop the Neptune Fountain in Berlin on Saturday. Western liberal democracies cultivate a range of fictions about their nature and function. In the myths they tell about themselves, the people …

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