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January 9, 2024

Letter to the Amnesty-Demanders

Why We Will Never Forget—Nor Let You “The struggle of man against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.” —Milan Kundera, The Book of Laughter & Forgetting: A Novel (Kindle, paperback, hardcover, audiobook) You want to know why so many people erupt when you say you “didn’t know,” you “were doing [your] best,” and “mistakes were …

January 9, 2024

Masked, Shackled, and Cuffed: Why a Former Liberal Fled Massachusetts

Dear DailyClout, I am a homeschooling mother of four, including an infant. I was slammed to the ground and arrested on March 1, 2022, because I tried to peaceably enter the Massachusetts State House in Boston without a vaccine passport. Nearly two years later, the Commonwealth refuses to drop the …

January 9, 2024

E3S2: “Sources and Alien Invasion”

J.J. Carrell and Brian O’Shea talk about how to determine what is real, what is not, and whom can you trust.

January 8, 2024

Ten New Year’s Resolutions to Restore Medical Freedom

As 2023 staggers to its conclusion, leaving behind a world of brutal wars, tenuous economies, corrupt governments, and tyrannical elites, perhaps the most unsettling aspect of the year’s end is a strange silence. Some things always generate plenty of noise. The 2024 US Presidential election promises to be even more …

January 8, 2024

Amish Organic Farmer Amos Miller Faces “Illegal Raid” on Farm, Confiscation of Supply

Dear DailyClout, Last April, you featured an article about Amish farmer Amos Miller, and how the government is trying to oppress him. Well, here’s some horrifying news about an illegal raid on his farm by the state! Regards, Anonymous A Statement from Barnes Law on the Illegal Raid of Miller’s Organic …

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