Introducing Reinette Senum, Candidate for Governor of California

Introducing Reinette Senum, Candidate for Governor of California.
“I’m not a Democrat — I’m not a Republican — I’m a Californian.” In an interview with Dr Naomi Wolf
In this interview with Dr. Naomi Wolf, Ms. Senum describes her background in community development, energy conservation, and creating practical solutions to empower the cultural shift in California. Her focus is on answers, not on political parties.
This is a purpose-driven campaign: It sidesteps division and creates solutions.
The vast majority of environmental problems we are facing in California can be dealt with by rebuilding our topsoil. This positively impacts our water, farms, fire reduction, pollinators, weather, food, and health challenges, to name a few….
It’s time we create a measurement for our leaders’ decision-making.
“Focusing on what is best for our children
and using the basic wisdom that we have acquired over generations
provides us with the means to step out of our current destructive trajectory,
set aside our differences, and realign our priorities.”
The 7 key points to Ms. Senum’s campaign include:
- Natural Resources Stewardship
- Food and Farms
- Common Sense Education
- Real Public Health and Individual Wellbeing
- Durable Economic Growth
- In addition, this is the first iteration of Senum’s 30-page blueprint for California, building an economy based upon restoration and healing, The Contract With Californians:
if I lived in USA I would vote for Reinette I’m a heartbeat. Pray that her ethics & sentiment echo throughout our at present deeply troubled world . There in spirit , Jane x
This lady, Reinette, is FABULOUS !
Watch this video ! She realizes the importance of regenitive gardening, being united instead of divided, wisdom of our elders, learning trades, thinking for ourselves, rehabilitation for law-breakers, … this video is worth the time to watch !!!!
I’m telling everyone I know about her.
thank you very much for providing this interview for free. i was going through and investigating all of t he candidates for the governer race in CA, and Reinette was the last person I searched, and the best candidate I found yet! what a wonderful person, she has my vote! i wish i found her sooner, but letting everyone i know that she’s out here running and fighting the good fight for california!