Florida Grand Jury Issues First Presentment in Investigation of Potential Criminality During COVID

On December 13, 2022, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis appointed a statewide Grand Jury to investigate whether crimes or wrongdoing were committed against Floridians regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. The information below highlights a lot of the key findings of the Grand Jury in their initial presentment. However, I didn’t go into much detail regarding what the jury said before they released their preliminary findings. To sum it up, they realized that in order to investigate the true nature of whether or not a crime was committed regarding the vaccine, they had to look into the rest of what happened.
The question remains whether or not they will find that the initial mandates, manufacturing, clinical trials, etc., violated laws or statutes. Then, whether they will continue past the initial recommendations, etc.? Through the continuation of the program today? Do they find that continuing to recommend these shots with the breadth of knowledge they have on hand is criminal in nature, given the risks? Do they find that people blatantly ignored information available to continue to push the shots, even after knowing the harm they cause?
There are a few clues in the report. The paragraph below is key:
It gives us some idea of where we are headed here. They are not just looking at the initial flurry to get these vaccines in everyone’s arms but will analyze how the data should have shaped those decisions moving forward. And, if the rest of this very preliminary report is any indication, they will find favor in favor of real science, not the tyrannical kind that came with COVID. The other point I wanted to make is regarding this next section, which made me sigh. To me, any tiny little concession on the safety and efficacy of these things is just a big no-no, but the rest of the report seems to clear up any worry I may have had. It’s also important to note that the Grand Jury is using definitions of words in ways normal humans don’t, which should inform us moving forward. The FDA and CDC have very different definitions of “safety” and “effectiveness” than normal humans.
And here is the “admission” of potential (and very limited, in their own words) benefits of these poisons (my word, of course.)