“FIVE FREEDOMS” – BULLETIN BOARD: Virtual Hearing, on Vaccines, by the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Public Health [7/12/21]

VIRTUAL HEARING by the Massachusetts Joint Committee on Public Health
Event Date: Monday, July 12, 2021 [10:00am]
Event Description: Vaccines
Senator Rebecca Rausch re-filed her bill titled “An Act Promoting Community Immunity” S. 1517 and H. 2271 with Representative Paul Donato. The “Community Immunity Act” is being advertised as a way to standardize and centralize immunization requirements and exemption processes, in part by transferring more administrative power to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH).
If implemented, as written The Community Immunity Act would affect children of grade levels from kindergarten to grade 12 in public, private and charter schools, child care centers, any school activities open to home-schooled children, recreational camps, and institutes of higher learning (both public and private).