“‘Ethical Hacker’ Ehden Biber Reveals Evil WHO Plans”

Ehden Biber, a cybersecurity expert with a pharmaceutical background, has broken one of the biggest stories of our time. Using documents on the WHO website, he demonstrates that the ‘Science Council’ of the WHO includes some grave offenders of the ‘pandemic’ and ‘lockdown’ past. He also shows their plans for injecting mRNA into humans and animals as a platform for would-be genetic manipulation, and he shows that they also plan to harvest all the DNA sequences of all humans, to create a database of everyone’s DNA. The purported reason will be ‘to cure disease’, but one can also theoretically use DNA manipulation to create a server class, a sex slave class, and/or supersoldiers — a dystopian future.
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Adrenochrome is a simple molecule: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Adrenochrome
It can easily be synthesized in the lab.
Maybe rich people use it for thrills, but there is no reason to extract it from anyone’s blood.
Also, Ehden’s comment about the Nazi camp guard who yawned and his conclusion that they’re all just people, reminded me of Jordan Peterson’s observation about the German soldiers — ordinary men all — who were sent to Poland to participate in ethnic cleansing. Before leaving they were given the opportunity to resign from that duty. Some did. The rest, upstanding men, were within a year heartlessly shooting kneeling people in the back of the head.
The point is that ordinary people can come to do the most terrible things, and with learned equanimity. Yawning guards and foie gras eating elites, both. This bears on your puzzlement, Naomi, about the behavior of the elites who evidently want to elevate themselves and degrade everyone else. They must have come to this over time, like those German men, gradually self-insensitized, within a self-congratulatory environment that allowed no room for contradiction or debate.
I’ve been heavily involved in the global arming debate. Over that time I’ve come to recognize a condition I call rational insanity. Intelligent people can make insane assumptions about the world or about other people. The elaboration of those assumptions can be entirely logical. Even rational. But the consequence is insane behaviors and attitudes. The arguments seem sound. But the assumptions (always unexamined) are insane.
One sees this failing repeatedly. It explains the elites. They assume their superiority (after all, they’re rich, they’re well-dressed, those in service around them is deferential, and all their associates agree with the notion of superiority).. Then it’s entirely rational of them to deduce that everyone not so-privileged is inferior. Self-elevation of self and control and oppression of the others is an obvious and superficially rational conclusion.
Social Darwinism could well have been the origin of eugenics. But just to say, Social Darwinism is a perversion of Evolutionary Theory. ET is survival of the reproductively successful, who compete in an ever-changing selective landscape. One observes, then, that a poor family with many children is more successful in a Darwinian sense (evolutionarily) than an elite family with two offspring.
By the way, I’ve read Yuval Harari’s “Sapiens.” Whenever he discussed a subject I knew about, he was wrong. “Sapiens” is no more than a progressive polemic. Polemics: tell the truth when it suits one, obfuscate otherwise, lie when one must.