“Dutch Health Council, Gezondheidsraad, Now Advising Pregnant Women NOT to Get mRNA Injection!”
Dear DailyClout,
I have something to tell Dr. Wolf which should please her, assuming she hasn’t (already) heard about this. I’m a native New Yorker but have been living in the Netherlands. I know Dr. Wolf has just been in NL for several days and has been gracing the alternative media. I watched her with Karel van Wolferen and on Blckbxtv, and still have an interview on Cafe Weltschmerz to have a look at. Dr. Wolf, of course, spoke about the terrible harm the mRNA shots are doing to babies and to fertility in her usual candid way.
The Gezondheidsraad (Health Council) here in NL came out with its booster recommendations a week or two ago. Pregnant women, seniors, and the handicapped, as always, are strongly advised to get the shot. They cited the usual BS that COVID is still around and dangerous and that these groups need to protect themselves. The psychopaths, of course, are especially keen to eradicate 65-plussers (as they’re known here) and those with a handicap.
Yesterday morning I read that the Gezondheidsraad has suddenly and unexpectedly changed its tune, and is advising pregnant women NOT to get the jab. I thought, “What?!?!” And then thought of Dr. Wolf. Perhaps listening to what she had to say while not mincing words, and daring to verbalize that which is dismissed as disinformation, succeeded in waking some women up. It’s even possible that they emailed/called the Health Council in large numbers, expressing their outrage. Or perhaps the Health Council realizes that people are waking up, so it better revise its advice. Of course, I can’t prove any of that, but the timing is striking, and I don’t believe in coincidence.
So, very good news in general, and maybe it’s all due to Dr. Wolf. That wouldn’t surprise me one bit. Dr. Wolf, thank you for coming here and for being as bold and truthful as you are.
Light and peace, and a tulip from Holland,