“Dr. Henry Ealy Explains 5G ‘Poisoning’, Solutions”

The inimitable Dr. Henry Ealy, one of the most distinguished healers of our time, explains the political background of the installation of 5G towers worldwide, during ‘lockdowns’. He gives a primer on the role of electromagnetism in and in relation to the human body and reveals that the symptom list for 5G illness and COVID, are identical. Thankfully, Dr Ealy also walks us through solutions and describes ways in which we can protect ourselves, our homes, pets, and loved ones.
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Great interview, thrilled to be introduced to the likes of Dr. Ealy! We need more with his knowledgeable and revolutionary spirit! BUT, I’m curious what is with the Dr Malone hate? You along with him are among the handful of people that changed my life 4 years ago. One of the reasons I respect both of you is that you are converts from the “other side” as well. Yes, he developed some of these technologies now being used against us and has worked for the government, to me that makes his flip that much more impactful. What gives? Dr Malone of course does not hesitate to tell people to not take the shots and he himself was “vaccine” injured.