Dr. Bhakdi’s Legal Case and How You Can Help

Since 2020, Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, a distinguished medical microbiologist, has informed the German and international public about the true nature of COVID-19 and the gene based-vaccines. During the past three years, he has written extensively on the subject and has been featured on several international news channels sharing his expertise.
From a period between mid-2021 to early 2022, four individuals led complaints with the German authorities against Prof. Bhakdi for statements he made comparing the COVID-19 vaccination program to 1930s and 1940s Germany. The complainants allege that such statements are a criminal offense.
Prof. Bhakdi is currently facing two charges – one count of “incitement of the masses” and one count of “trivialization of the Holocaust.” His court hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, May 23, 2023, at 9:00 CET at Amtsgericht Plön in Germany. If convicted, Prof. Bhakdi could be sentenced to two years in prison and a fine.
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From Dr. Bhakdi:
“Please convey our heartfelt thanks to the kind reader. We and our associates are in need of support. The simplest way is via Karina’s Paypal karina.reiss@gmx.de
All the best,
I don’t believe that Professor Bhakti intended any incitement or hate towards Jews. Indeed his comments show that he was concerned about the harm being done to Jews in Israel by the state so called “vaccination” policy.
His presentations and incite into both Covid-19 immunity and the negligent application of novel artificial gene transfection technology , in particularly artificial mRNA technology , has been proved to be substantially correct and prescient. Namely myocarditis and blood clots and immune attack on all cells presenting foreign proteins on their surfaces derived from the translation of artificially derived mRNA into peptides intended to construct spike protein and presentation on cell membranes of transfected cells, and thus stimulate immune system attack and memory. Prof Bhakti predicted that the injections could not be isolated to the tissue of the injection site and would lead to systemic autoimmune attack in potentially all tissues, in particular blood vessel walls leading to clotting and ischaemia in effected tissues particularly brain and heart , stokes and heat attacks (and also reproductive tissues Ovaries and Testes leading to infertility). . See confirmation in pathology of Prof Burkhardt et al.
His words were intended to warn and awaken concern before time of the dangers and motivating (Social Contagion) the culture that was ensuing around the world. Many governments and supranational organisations were using psychological warfare methods to induce fear panic and compliance with potentially disastrous policies and actions. These policies combined with censorship amounted to denial of informed consent constituted breaches of the Nuremberg Code as it applies to the performing of Clinical experiments on human beings. The application of mandates for the administration of an un-fully tested gene transfection drug constituted an open experiment on the population, with elements of coercion (specifically against the Nuremberg codex and principles). The code was derived from the trial of Nazi clinicians, Doctors, Nurses, and Journalists; and as such breeches of the code intrinsically invite comparison with those breeches of human rights that inspired them.
Upholding the Nuremberg code is social good; and denying the relevance of Informed consent and other principles , and the implied comparison is a perversion of justice; because the very same comparison is intended to prevent and motivate actions to stop the abuses of human rights and dignity that they represent to the world. See specifically the testimony of Vera Sharav .
Richard Wicks
Bsc Applied Biology
Diploma Toxicology
Prof Bhakti is not anti semantic… it’s absolutely ridiculous to be making this accusation… he simply stated that the roll out of covid vaccine/ gene therapy was an abomination like the holocaust !! Dear oh dear I struggle to believe that only the bravest doctors and researchers like this man have stood up to make their concerns heard only to be victimised and hauled before a court… this is dispiccable … Use your own thoughts and prof Bakti should be cleared of all this nonsense and the smear campaign.against him.