DATA ACCURACY PROJECT: The CDC Just DELETED Its Breakthrough Tracking Page, Whistleblower States the FDA Approved Pfizer’s Vaccine With Knowledge of Fraud, Italy Reduces Its Death Toll With Data Accuracy.

This Week In COVID– Written by Dr Henry Ealy (Summarized by D.C Editor Breeauna Sagdal)
Of immediate note: The CDC, as of October 30, 2021, has officially stopped all tracking of the
experimental COVID-19 inoculation breakthrough hospitalizations and deaths, with the deletion of
this page. The now deleted CDC tracking page, has been in use since April 2021, providing essential metrics for analysts and researchers tracking the rates of fully vaccinated, severely ill COVID-19 patients, who have required hospitalization, or who have died. The deletion of the tracking page comes after the CDC told lawmakers on the Hill, that it would continue to track severe COVID-19 outbreaks in the fully vaccinated, and directly ahead of administering the COVID-19 vaccines to 5-11 year old children.
There have been several informational pieces published this week that my research team is currently in the process of vetting for accuracy. This body of evidence includes a jaw dropping whistleblower report in the British Medical journal, indicating that the FDA was notified, via a formal complaint, detailing fraud pertaining to Pfizer’s BioNTech Phase 3 Clinical Trial results. The whistleblower further alleges that the FDA moved forward with the approval process, knowing the data from the manufacturer was fraudulent.
We are still reviewing the data for accuracy, but our preliminary review shows that it may prove our allegations of rampant willful misconduct, on the part of elected and appointed officials, can be substantiated. At the very least, it is yet another indication of the need for a formal Grand Jury Investigation.
Sign the Petition here, calling for a formal Grand Jury Investigation.
We are also reviewing a report out of Italy claiming that Italy has reduced their COVID death count from 130,468 down to 3,783, because 97.1% had at least 1 major comorbidity (67.7% had at
least 3 major comorbidities).
This is VERY similar to what the CDC has published since August 2020 and most recently stated
on October 24, 2021,
“For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause
mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to
COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death. For data on deaths involving COVID-19 by time-period, jurisdiction, and other health conditions.” (Meaning Comorbidities)
As you may know, my team has been calling for a full audit of all death certificates based upon
the 2003 CDC Guidelines for Death Certificate Reporting that had been in place for 17 years prior to the March 24, 2020 implementation of COVID Alert No. 2, issued by the CDC & NVSS violating at least three federal laws in the process. To date, the 2003 guidelines are still used to report all other causes of death. We feel very confident that a full audit will reveal the necessity to reduce the United States death
toll down by as much as 94%, very similar to what has occurred in Italy.
Read, print, and share our peer-reviewed research, here
This is the perfect time to get educated, get involved, and become part of the solution! Daily Clout Members have been given full access to an exclusive discount code for “COVID-COV21” event recordings. I’m personally inviting you to join me for the solution oriented resources my team is providing, and will continue to provide to all. Starting this November, we will host a live Masterclass, making ourselves available to those who have questions and earnestly seek to be the change they wish to see. Stay tuned for more updates.
*The Data Accuracy Project is a sponsored campaign of Daily Clout.
Daily Clout ©(2021), permission guidelines to re-print: Daily Clout authorizes the re-printing/ republishing of original works in full, with a link to the content and proper attributions.
We do not have a fair government and we need to get rid of Biden, Pelosi, Harris and so called Dr. F. We need to CLEAN HOUSE OF ALL THE CORRUPTION IN THE WHITE HOUSE