DailyClout Hot Bills Today’s Legislative Call to Action: Electric Vehicles

HB 327: Close the Double Subsidy Loophole for Electric Vehicles Act
US Congress 118th Congress
About HB 327
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to reduce the tax credit for new qualified plug-in electric drive motor vehicles by State subsidies for these vehicles.
Keep letting the EV-tards know about the hazards of batteries – mining, slavery, disposal, etc…at least plants use the carbon we release…the cellular respiration – photosynthesis cycle is ‘renewable’…battery waste is NOT.
If they really want people to use electric vehicles, they should encourage utilities to generate reliable, abundant electricity so they become cheaper to operate than gas or diesel vehicles. People can be trusted to choose what’s best for their wallets day to day, not just when buying their next ride.