DailyClout Citizens’ Page: 5G: Superfun Entertainment or Threat to Human Health?

It may be fun to have immediate streaming video, virtual reality entertainment and more bandwidth for ‘smart home’, as major telecom companies are promising us with the current deployment of 5G.
But this tech efficiency comes with a huge cost to our health.
5G is confirmed to hurt people and may even harm animals. Humans are electrical/chemical beings, after all, who are finely tuned to Earth’s natural pulsed frequency of approximately 7.83Hz. This frequency is also known as the ‘Schumann Resonance’. But 5G frequency is alarmingly billions of Hz above that. This may well be why so many people living near 5G emitters and smart meters (5G is now live in NY, LA, Sacramento and 30 total US cities as well as the UK) often complain of tinnitus, headaches, ear pressure, memory loss, sleep problems, electromagnetic sensitivity syndrome, irritability and other health issues.
Our health is dependent on the resonance of our environment with Earth’s natural frequency; this is how we evolved. Based on that fact, we should all be aware that when our environment is changed by the new rollout of the US, UK and EU telecommunications companies to 5G, our health will be increasingly threatened. Many studies, including those linked below, confirm the disruptive and even carcinogenic effects of high levels of electromagnetic radiation on humans.
5G now emits 28GHz (28 Billion Hz), and future plans intend levels far above even that.
To read more about the impact of 5G on our health, click here, here, and here.