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March 22, 2018

Exclusive: Veteran Jonathan Dozier Throws His Hat Into the Ring to Represent North Carolina Naomi Wolf interviews Republican grassroots Congressional candidate Jonathan Dozier, who served in various roles in the US Military and now works in the insurance industry. A father of four, Dozier expresses his reasons for wanting to run for Congress to represent his community, Fayetteville, NC; he says that it …

March 5, 2018

The House Takes on Sex Trafficking – Last Week In Congress

Back from their district work period, the U.S. House of Representatives hit the ground running with the intent to address sex trafficking in a meaningful way. By last Tuesday, two bills to help save victims of trafficking were passed; but both approached the issue in different ways. H.R. 767 – …

March 3, 2018

Major Changes to American Disability Act – Last Week In Congress

Congress was back on break, taking advantage of their district work period. That means that your Representative was in an office near you. This was your chance to call or set up a meeting with congress people; they may be holding town halls as well. Remember to stay tuned to …

February 26, 2018

The Fatal Flaw of Our Republic: Limitless Terms and Career Politicians

In the recent Presidential election, in the debates about health care and tax reform, in every senate and congressional election, the usual characters have emerged, and the process continues in its never ending cycle: Career politicians forever campaigning to stay in their positions of power and privilege by promising money …

February 22, 2018

Support NYC Veterans Alliance

I am grateful for our connection on LinkedIn, and the conversations and mutual goals we’ve shared in real time. Whether we worked together years ago or we met just recently, you know that I am passionate about service to this great nation and making a positive impact wherever I can. …

Iziah Explains

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