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May 31, 2017

Marijuana Mapping: Where is it Legal to Fire Up?

“Let me be clear,” stated Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly at the end of April, “[Marijuana] is a potentially dangerous gateway drug that frequently leads to the use of harder drugs.” Secretary Kelly made it apparent that, as a member of the Trump Administration, he would fight hard to keep marijuana an illegal drug. While to …

May 19, 2017

Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) Pushes for Museum of Women’s History

May 16, 2017

Democracy and Civic Participation  For a healthy and vibrant democracy to be sustained, people need to be informed, educated, and engaged. The concept of the “Townsquare” or Athenian agora, a meeting place where people of all ages can meet and share political ideas and experiences is largely missing from our …

May 15, 2017

GOP Claims Huge AHCA Savings Without Math

If you’ve been following the action in Congress, or have been on Twitter, or have simply turned on the news, you know that commentary about the GOP’s new health care bill is inescapable. Last week, Republicans passed the American Health Care Act of 2017 or the AHCA. And you don’t …

May 6, 2017

School Solitary Confinement: Should Disabled Children be Locked in School Closets?

On July 10, 2010, school solitary confinement, also known as school seclusion, was banned in Georgia by the Department of Education. Parents, writers, and lawyers had been advocating against the practice for years. Old rules for school seclusion stated that isolation rooms should be well-lit, and large enough for students …

Iziah Explains

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