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February 14, 2017

Cyberbullying Crackdown?

Has anyone by now not been the victim of online harassment and bullying at some point? The issue of online bullying is endemic, now that kids grow up with their social lives essentially online. Bullying that used to be confined to the schoolyard, now tracks children, teenagers and adults in cyberspace. And …

February 2, 2017

What the Heck Is An “Executive Order”? — Everything You Need To Know…But Were Afraid to Ask

Since his inauguration in late January, President Donald Trump has already signed seven Executive Orders, including an initiative to prevent refugees from entering the country and one to build a wall between the United States and Mexico. Whether or not you support Trump’s actions, it’s important to know exactly how much power his Executive Orders actually …

February 1, 2017

HUGE NEWS: Executive Orders Are NOT Binding Laws

Wow! There is no specific mention of Executive Orders in the Constitution… the power to issue an Executive Order is implied, Presidents argue, by Article 2 of the Constitution: ‘the executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States’ is one quote they cite. ‘The President shall be …

January 30, 2017

Obama’s Final Bill Invites Silicon Valley Innovators Into Unelected Government Positions — Under the Trump Presidency

Last week, mere hours before Donald Trump’s Inauguration, President Barack Obama signed, while he was still President of the United States, one final bill into law. Again: this was Pres. Obama’s very last bill. The bill, known rather obscurely as the TALENT Act of 2017, is a last-minute codification of an existing program called the “Presidential Innovation …

January 24, 2017

Fourteen Connecticut Representatives Propose 14 Different Bills to Remove the Same Unpopular CT Tax on Health Centers

  This month, fourteen different Connecticut lawmakers proposed fourteen different bills, all set to accomplish, if passed,  essentially the same thing. These bills, sponsored by both Democrat and Republican lawmakers, are each only a sentence long, and all aim to either repeal or to phase out a tax on ambulatory …

Iziah Explains

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