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April 4, 2024

“Karel Van Wolferen on Agenda 2030 in Europe”

Karel Van Wolferen is a distinguished Dutch nonfiction writer and journalist who has founded the dissident magazine Gezond Verstandt. In this two-part series, Van Wolferen describes Agenda 2030 in Europe, takes us through postwar geopolitics to explain how we reached this moment, and illuminates the path he sees ahead. We …

April 4, 2024

Embroidery: “If Pfizer Controlled the ‘Data’ They Controlled the Outcome”

Report 32 inspired me to create an embroidery that reflects both the beauty and pain of questions.  Robert Chandler points out that the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Antigen does not stay at the injection site. He goes on to mention the several serious questions that are raised such as how long Spike …

April 4, 2024

Embroidery: “Pfizer’s New Two-in-One COVID-19 Booster: Are We the Clinical Trial?”

This piece is a riff on a well-known nursery rhyme that came to me as I read this report about repeated boosters for “vaccines” that don’t work. The stitching around the fly symbolizes how it buzzes around zooming and zeroing in on things without thinking. The stitching around the spider …

April 4, 2024

Embroidery: “Dr. Fernando Polack: Real Person or Ghost?”

This report reminded me of the many things related to the “pandemic” and the “vaccines” that were not what they appeared.  We heard from individuals pretending to be “experts” while accepting money to push an agenda.  This piece represents that.   Report 21

April 4, 2024

Embroidery of Book Cover for “Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports”

The heart and reproductive systems are like the empire state building of the human body.  They are not only important organs but it is love and family that they symbolize. After reading through the reports, it seems to me that these organs are being taken from us.  It seems as …

Iziah Explains

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