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April 10, 2024

“Survival of the Weirdest” The World is So Strange Now; Do Those Willing to Ask Strange Questions, Have an Advantage? Two days ago, I was on the phone with customer service at Citibank. The house in which I was located — a two-story, full-basement, three-bedroom, 1400 square foot house on the highest point …

April 10, 2024

“Dutch Health Council, Gezondheidsraad, Now Advising Pregnant Women NOT to Get mRNA Injection!”

Dear DailyClout, I have something to tell Dr. Wolf which should please her, assuming she hasn’t (already) heard about this. I’m a native New Yorker but have been living in the Netherlands. I know Dr. Wolf has just been in NL for several days and has been gracing the alternative …

April 10, 2024

Supreme Court Filing in The Arizona Voting Computer Malfunction Case

Maricopa County violated Arizona law by not conducting required tests of the voting computers. In addition, they used altered and hence, uncertified software that had major security flaws. As sworn by the Appellants and In my opinion and based on the declarations by three cyber experts, AZSOS, Maricopa, and Pima …

April 10, 2024

Public Comments Now Being Accepted

Originally published on Substack Everyone (worldwide) is encouraged to submit a public comment to the Office of Global Affairs regarding the proposed “Pandemic Treaty” and the amendments to the IHR. Please do so A.S.A.P. Regardless of where you may live, EVERYONE is encouraged to submit a public comment to the …

April 10, 2024

Adding New Dimensions to “Facing the Beast”: A Brutally Honest Conversation with Naomi Wolf   Naomi Wolf is in the Netherlands, promoting her new book: Facing the Beast, translated into Dutch: Oog in Oog met het Beest. It is her first trip abroad since 2019, one that is accompanied by several kinds of threats. It happened as soon as she published The Pfizer …

Iziah Explains

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