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April 17, 2024

E35S2: “They’ll Invade Us On the Beaches…” with Brian O’Shea and JJ Carrell JJ Carrell and Brian O’Shea discuss the status of the intelligence community. O’Shea explains the role of ‘SIGINT’, or ‘signals intelligence’, the art of listening in to or deciphering various forms of electronic communications. This technique was part of O’Shea’s training. The two explore whether or not the intelligence …

April 17, 2024

“Dr Henry Ealy on ‘Grounding’”

Stunning information on how our devices send the wrong kind of electromagnetic forces into our bodies! This causes anxiety, irritability, sleep problems and even physical illness. Dr Ealy demonstrates by using his own hand and handheld device, how we turn into, essentially, conduits of the wrong kind of energy when …

April 16, 2024

“Avian Influenza Crisis Rolls in Just in Time for Key World Health Organization Deliberations”

Food Supply Fears, Human Spread, Plays Into Hands of Imperialistic Public Health Officials Please watch this quick update on the highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 situation in poultry and livestock. Journalist Emerald Robinson brings you the Absolute Truth on what is going on. Unnecessary culling of hens from our largest egg producers …

April 16, 2024

France’s Parliament Adopts Controversial “Pfizer Amendment” Bill

Originally posted on the author’s Substack. Recently, I was alerted to France’s parliament passing the contentious draft legislation aimed at tackling “sectarian abuses,” commonly known as the “Pfizer Amendment” among critics, on Tuesday, April 9th. My initial coverage of the draft bill’s progression through France’s National Assembly was reported in …

April 16, 2024

Dr. Naomi Wolf: “Geoengineering, Biofuels, and the ‘Dramatic’ Change to Our Skies”

Shannon Joy and Dr. Naomi Wolf delve into geoengineering, solar radiation management, biofuels used by commercial airlines, and the “dramatic” changes to the appearance of our skies. Please Support Our Sponsors The Wellness Company: Use code DAILYCLOUT for 10% off!

Iziah Explains

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