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global coalition statement

May 18, 2022

GAA Coalition Calls for an End to Vaccine Mandates

In the same week that the FDA just approved a 3rd dose of the Pfizer BioNTech Covid-19 vaccines for the children, without convening the vaccine advisory panel, a significant signal emerged in the fight against the corrupt, censorial government health agencies and their pharmaceutical companies. Free to Fly – Global Aviation Advocacy Coalition Statement …

speaking times

May 18, 2022

Children’s Health Defense Protest TOMORROW, May 19th!

Hello FB protest speakers! Here are the final details that you will need for the event on May 19th! Arrival Time: We have pushed the arrival time up to 2:30pm, with a hard arrival time of 2:45. You will find better parking if you arrive before the demonstrators do. We will …

Security Consultant Shares Insider Tips on Self Defense

May 18, 2022

Security Consultant Shares Insider Tips on Self Defense

Security Consultant Brian O’Shea Shares Insider Tips on Self Defense   Dr Naomi Wolf has an interactive live stream on GETTR with Brian O’Shea, a private detective and security consultant, about situational awareness.   Mr. O’Shea answers some common questions from the everyday person about safety, awareness, and self defense …

California Candidate Reinette Senum Answers The Public's Most Burning Questions

May 18, 2022

California Candidate Reinette Senum Answers The Public’s Most Burning Questions

California Candidate Reinette Senum Answers The Public’s Most Burning Questions   Dr. Naomi Wolf has an interactive live stream on GETTR with Reinette Senum, a Candidate for the Governor of California.   Ms. Senum answers the public’s most burning questions regarding her stances on a variety of topics, including water …

energetic health institute

May 18, 2022

Top 3 Nutrients Happy People Take Daily

Happiness is typically defined as a positive emotional state. Often this word is associated with a goal-oriented feeling or emotion that is set for a time in the future, such as “I will be happy when…” The good news is that happiness is within reach, right now! Research shows happiness …

Iziah Explains

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