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June 10, 2022

“We’ve Lost The Line!“ – Unseen Video From The Attack On The Capitol

“We’ve Lost The Line!“ – Unseen Video From The Attack On The Capitol Never-before-seen video from January 6th shows the violent attack on Capitol Police Officers and Protestors breaking into the Capitol in an attempt to change the course of the Election. Representative Bennie Thompson presented the video during last …


June 9, 2022

Majority Don’t Trust in Biden, Fauci to Handle Monkeypox Outbreak

Majority Don’t Trust in Biden, Fauci to Handle Monkeypox Outbreak Less Than Half of Democrats Have High Level of Trust in President Biden and Dr. Fauci’s Ability to Handle Latest Health Crisis (Austin, TX—June 8, 2022) Convention of States Action, in partnership with The Trafalgar Group—one of America’s most accurate …

Is it ethical to purchase an EV lithium battery powered vehicle?

June 9, 2022

Is it Ethical to Purchase an EV Lithium Battery Powered Vehicle?

Is it ethical to purchase an EV lithium battery powered vehicle? With most of the exotic minerals and metals to build EV batteries being mined in developing countries, is it ethical to support the environmental degradation and humanity atrocities occurring in developing countries? With numerous State Governor’s having issued executive …

June 9, 2022

Biden’s Interview on Jimmy Kimmel – Video   In his first Network interview in 118 days, President Biden makes a surprise visit to late-night chat show host Jimmy Kimmel. He attacks the GOP as the ‘MAGA Party’, slams Trump for his Executive Orders and calls for Gun Control. He also discusses rampant Inflation. Watch what he …

pro abortion

June 7, 2022

ERA Linked to Potential Roe v. Wade Overturn

ERA Linked to Potential Roe v. Wade Overturn Women in America have never enjoyed basic equality and full Equal Protection of the laws because they were excluded from the Fourteenth Amendment’s guarantee of Equal Protection of the laws in 1868. While Women have gained many rights since then, none are …

Iziah Explains

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