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press release

June 27, 2022

Global Aviation Advocacy Coalition Releases Video “Global Aviation: Fit to Fly?” 

Global Aviation Advocacy Coalition Releases Video “Global Aviation: Fit to Fly?” The aviation industry is ignoring risks introduced via its own COVID-19 policies. It has introduced widespread medical risk into its personnel.  In this programme, a panel of accomplished pilots and deeply experienced doctors listen to the behind closed-doors medical …

vaccine trials

June 27, 2022

Report 28: Vaccine Trials for Infants and Children Show Little to No Benefit

Vaccine Trials for Infants and Children Show Little to No Benefit     On June 15, 2022, the FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPA) met to authorize the expansion of the EUA Pfizer BNT162b2 vaccine to children as young as 6 months. Evidence and public comments were …


June 27, 2022

83% of Voters Affirm Self-Defense Principles of SCOTUS 2A Decision

83% of Voters Affirm Self-Defense Principles of SCOTUS 2A Decision 53% Say 2nd Amendment Exists Primarily for Personal Self-Defense, While Nearly 30% Believe it Exists to Protect Against Tyrannical Government (Austin, TX—June 23, 2022) Convention of States Action, in partnership with The Trafalgar Group—one of America’s most accurate pollsters in …

chief joseph

June 27, 2022

The Great Moderna Heist: The Thief That Almost Got Away!

The Great Moderna Heist: the thief that almost got away! I was a healthy, happy, world traveler prior to succumbing to the coercion to get vaccinated. So it begins…it was a cold winter day the Moderna vaccine almost stole my life. It stole my health and now my immune system. …

health freedom defense

June 27, 2022

Support our Lawsuit Against FDA for Betraying Public Trust

Support our Lawsuit Against FDA for Betraying Public Trust DailyClout has partnered with Health Freedom Defense Fund to ensure that aggressive legal action is taken against those pushing dangerous and unnecessary COVID-19 shots on our young children and babies. The WarRoom/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Research Volunteers, a group of 3000 experts ranging from …

Iziah Explains

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