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September 23, 2022

AMPS Reclaiming Medicine Conference FEATURING Dr. Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly

“IF THE FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS TAKEN AWAY THEN DUMB AND SILENT WE MAY BE LED, LIKE SHEEP TO THE SLAUGHTER” -GEORGE WASHINGTON AMPS Reclaiming Medicine Conference FEATURING Dr. Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly Dr Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly: What did the hundreds of thousands of Pfizer documents from …

September 23, 2022

Less Than One-Third of Voters Feel as Safe in America Today as They Did Two Years Ago

(Austin, TX—September 22, 2022) Convention of States Action, in partnership with The Trafalgar Group—one of America’s most accurate pollsters in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2021—is releasing the results of a new national survey. Results were from surveys conducted September 17th through September 20th of over 1,000 likely 2022 election voters. …

September 23, 2022

The Worst Thing That Can Happen to the Human Species, is Happening – Dr. Naomi Wolf is Available for Interview

In this powerful summary of the Covid years – target – truth teller – concerned citizen Dr. Naomi Wolf reports on the newly discovered harms to reproductive health caused by Covid vaccines and the apparent collusion between big tech / big gov / big pharma and the legacy press apparatus who censor and silence her.

September 21, 2022

Q&A with Dr. Naomi Wolf

“Our Moment, Our Fight, Your Role in History.” Tuesday, October 4th 2022 @ 7:00PM EDT Dr. Wolf will present updates and projections about: Vaccine Passports & Mandates Legal Action and Plans Campaigns for Human Rights & Constitutional Liberties We’ll highlight a few brave organizations, entrepreneurs and individuals who are fighting …

September 21, 2022

The Big Reset Movie, the Uncensored Truth of the Pandemic

Dear DailyClout, This phenomenal movie was just released: THE BIG RESET MOVIE [THE UNCENSORED] TRUTH OF THE PANDEMIC I hope this movie will trigger a massive awakening around the world. The more it is shared and circulated, the more lives will be saved. Because the world’s population must attempt to …

Iziah Explains

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