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October 19, 2022

Dr. Meryl Nass of Children’s Health Defense is Live Blogging the ACIP Meeting

Dr. Meryl Nass from Children’s Health Defense is currently liveblogging the ACIP meeting discussing further authorizations of Covid vaccines, and updating the children’s vaccine schedule to include Covid vaccinations. Watch here: Link to Video

October 19, 2022

PASS the PRO-PARENT PROCLAMATION   NOVEMBER is Parents’ Rights In Education Month and it’s more important now than ever! We encourage parents all across America to challenge their school boards to adopt this Proclamation declaring they support the importance of working with parents to involve them in developing policies for their children’s schools. …

October 19, 2022

LOCAL A global epidemic of cancer among people younger than 50 could be emerging

CNN –  Lana Dos Reis Nunes was 43 years old when she told her husband that she could feel something like a bubble in her abdomen when she lay on her side. An ultrasound scan found spots on her liver, which led to blood tests and a colonoscopy. “There was a …

October 19, 2022

“Academia Gives Me Hope” A futurist counternarrative from Bryan Alexander

  One of the best feelings as a reader is coming across a book that challenges my thinking, and exposes me to ideas I hadn’t considered before. This was how it felt reading Universities on Fire: Higher Education in Climate Crisis, a forthcoming book from her education futurist Bryan Alexander. I first …

October 19, 2022

50% increase in miscarriages; 50% decrease in fertility after COVID vax

But Eric Topol says there is “no evidence” that the vaccine causes harm. That’s reassuring. So Eric, if it isn’t the vaccine, what IS causing it? He blocked me. Can you ask him? Watch this exclusive 30 second video of Kimberly Biss, MD an OB/Gyn in Tampa Bay, FL explaining what they’ve …

Iziah Explains

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