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Pregnant Woman

September 1, 2023

Report 83: 23% of Vaccinated Mothers’ Fetuses or Neonates Died. Suppressed Lactation and Breast Milk Discoloration Reported.

The War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Project Post-Marketing Group (Team 1) – Barbara Gehrett, MD; Joseph Gehrett, MD; Chris Flowers, MD; and Loree Britt – wrote a shocking analysis of the “Use in Pregnancy and Lactation” section found in Pfizer document 5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of …

September 1, 2023

Justice Centre Update: Unexplained Deaths, Privacy, Digital IDs, and More

The rise of excess and unexplained deaths in Canada Read the new report on excess deaths in Canada. This report shows that excess deaths in Canada continue to be a significant problem in 2022 for all age groups. Excess deaths in 2022 increased to an estimated 37,000 compared to an estimated 21,000 …

September 1, 2023

COVID Mask Mandates Make a Comeback

Some public and private employers are returning to mask mandates amid a recent spike in COVID-19 cases nationwide due to new variants of the virus, according to the Associated Press. As students returned Sunday to Morris Brown College, a small Atlanta-based historically Black college, the university announced it would be …

September 1, 2023

CDC Now Refusing New COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports in Its V-Safe Program

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) V-safe website quietly stopped collecting adverse event reports with no reason or explanation. The V-safe website simply states: “Thank you for your participation. Data collection for COVID-19 vaccines concluded on June 30, 2023.” If you go there today, V-safe directs users to …

September 1, 2023

The Real Trouble with the Trump Indictment

“The first thing we do,” says Dick the Butcher in Shakespeare’s early history play Henry VI, Part II – “let’s kill all the lawyers.” In Shakespeare’s telling, Dick the Butcher is a notorious bully – and when he calls for the murder of lawyers he’s playing a leading role in a …

Iziah Explains

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