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June 21, 2024

Thomas County Kansas Lawsuit Against Pfizer

Thomas County Kansas Lawsuit Against Pfizer kansas-suit-against-pfizer

June 21, 2024

“Then They Came for Steve Bannon. The Biden Regime Marks D-Day by Going Full Gestapo”

Originally published on The Stream Ronald Reagan famously spoke about “Morning in America.” Now the chimes are tolling midnight, as the lawless Biden regime and its judicial allies cooperate to imprison the president’s opponents and prominent dissidents against the totalitarian left. Judges are sneering at old ladies they imprison for peaceful pro-life …

June 21, 2024

“Can You Go Home Again? Yale’s 40th College Reunion”

Or: Why Things Are the Way They Are Can one go home again? What is privilege? What is inclusion? What is “meaning”? How do all these work to reward and punish and thus to police our societies and cultures, our knowledge base itself, our moral norms — in the subtlest, …

June 21, 2024

“America is Riding on This Supreme Court Decision”

View Original Post The Supreme Court has an opportunity to save free speech and, ultimately, free elections in America. At the end of June, two cases regulating social media and government speech censorship are on the docket. The highest court in the land will be focused on cases from Missouri and …

June 21, 2024

“Dr. Naomi Wolf On Fauci Accountability”

“As These Cases Move Through The Courts, Dr. Fauci Has Less And Less Ground To Stand On” War Room:

Iziah Explains

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