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October 24, 2023

Victims of Propaganda

How Should We Consider Those Who Aired Hatred Towards Unvaccinated? I was greeted this morning by a Tweet reminding me of the pure vitriol, contempt, and threats of reprisal for the “unvaccinated” those who made the wise choice of declining COVID-19 vaccination. Remember the novel vaccines were originally Pfizer, Moderna, …

October 24, 2023

Bombshell: Our Worst Fears Confirmed. New Study Finds Both COVID and mRNA Vaccines May Have Caused Heart Damage to Billions of People

A first-of-its-kind out of Switzerland confirms what many have been warning about since the start: Both COVID and mRNA vaccines are likely the inflicting heart injury on most if not all of their recipients.  Published in the peer-reviewed European Journal of Heart Failure, the study first looked at hospital workers who …

October 24, 2023

Un-womaned: When Big Tech Cancelled Female Voices During COVID

BOOK REVIEW: Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith and Resistance in a New Dark Age, Dr. Naomi Wolf, (Chelsea Green Publishing, November 9, 2023) 240 pages, ISBN: 9781645022367 Acclaimed journalist Dr. Naomi Wolf’s Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith and Resistance in a New Dark Age is a story of a quest for understanding and truth-telling …

October 23, 2023

Warlords & Terrorists IN the Gates, Anti-Jewish Protests On-Demand

JJ Carrell and Brian O’Shea discuss how generals from the Middle and Far East, known Middle-Eastern Terrorists, and more are streaming through our border and they are not being tracked…at all. They also dissect how anti-Israel, anti-Jewish, and anti-American protests are able to spring up so quickly, now and in …

October 23, 2023

‘The Bergdahl Case is a Window Into Our National Fiction on War and Patriotism’

Dear DailyClout, I am not MAGA person by any stretch, but Steve Bannon’s clarion warning over the last week that it is a small segment of the U.S. population that will bear the cost of unwinnable, quagmire foreign wars could not be more on point.  That said, most Republicans and …

Iziah Explains

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