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June 25, 2024

1560 Geneva Bible: Exodus 26-27

In these chapters, YHWH continues the process of giving direction to Moshe, about how to construct an “aron”, a cabinet or “ark”, in which He will live and from which He will communicate to the Children of Israel. The construction guidance is detailed. What is striking about the original Hebrew, …

June 25, 2024

E58S2: “Covering the Invasion Up Close!” w/ JJ Carrell

JJ Carrell, retired Border Patrol Agent, and cohost of Unrestricted Invasion discusses his journey into the southern border of Texas as he films his documentary, “What is Treason?” Carrell’s footage shows one of the child sex trafficking facilities run by a large NGO funded by the United States of America. …

June 24, 2024

“UK Media Censor OfCom’s Painful Argument in Steyn v OfCom”

From Dr. Naomi Wolf: “I flew to London for a June 11 hearing at the Royal Courts of Justice – a judicial review of UK ‘Media Regulator’ OfCom’s sanctions against respected commentator Mark Steyn. OfCom had concluded that Steyn’s show on GBNews in October 2022, on which he had allowed …

June 24, 2024

“Can You Go Home Again?”

From Dr. Naomi Wolf: “I returned to my Alma Mater, Yale University, for my class’ 40th reunion. On the way I reflected on how Yale punishes those who step outside of its strictures, as I did in reporting on my having been molested at 19 by Dr. Harold Bloom, and …

June 22, 2024


According to a shocking new report, prescription drug shortages are reaching new and dangerous levels. Per The Epoch Times,   Drug shortages are the highest in a decade, with 2023 topping the charts, according to United States Pharmacopeia’s first annual Drug Shortage Report (USP).   “The number of drug shortages …

Iziah Explains

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