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October 25, 2023

Grief Enough for All: Fragments from Time in Israel and Palestine

Predictably, the world has flown apart after October 7th, as tribalism in both directions is driven by escalating emotions. When I post neutral accounts of horrific events on both “sides” of the divide, someone always interprets what I have done as partisanship on my part — as if I am …

October 25, 2023

Assisted Suicide for BABIES Demanded by Quebec College of Physicians

I apologize for using the oxymoronic term “assisted suicide for babies” in the title. An infant is not self-aware and cannot “commit suicide.” Infants want to live, eat, and be held by their parents. And yet, the Quebec College of Physicians wants to expand the Canadian “Medical Assistance in Dying” …

October 25, 2023

“COVID-19 Illness and Vaccination Experiences in Social Circles Affect COVID-19 Vaccination Decisions”

Dear DailyClout, I am writing to share some news.  Perhaps you know that the article I published in BMC Infectious Diseases on potential COVID-19 vaccine fatalities was forced to undergo a rereview.  The editorial board then retracted the article.  Then allegations surfaced that I had not followed ethical standards in conducting …

October 25, 2023

“Adulterated” COVID-19 Vaccines Should be Pulled from the Market

Drs. Robert Malone, Ryan Cole, and author Naomi Wolf tell a crowd at the Summit for Truth and Wellness in Rochester, New York that the shots contain DNA fragments and other hazards known and unknown. Author and journalist Naomi Wolf waves to an enthusiastic crowd of about 850 at the …

October 24, 2023

Victims of Propaganda

How Should We Consider Those Who Aired Hatred Towards Unvaccinated? I was greeted this morning by a Tweet reminding me of the pure vitriol, contempt, and threats of reprisal for the “unvaccinated” those who made the wise choice of declining COVID-19 vaccination. Remember the novel vaccines were originally Pfizer, Moderna, …

Iziah Explains

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