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December 11, 2023

California’s Electric Truck Mandate Conundrums

Electric trucks at any cost should have conversations about the conundrums associated with this mandate, before implementing a Mandate. Earlier this year, California passed regulations that would turn the trucking industry upside down. Zero emission mandates would disrupt the industry, raise shipping costs, and put trucking companies out of business. …

December 11, 2023

Innovating Wellness: A Conversation with Peter Gillooly, CEO of The Wellness Company

In a recent enlightening interview with Dr. Naomi Wolf of Daily Clout, Peter Gillooly, CEO of The Wellness Company, shared his journey and the company’s revolutionary approach to health and wellness. Gillooly’s path to leading The Wellness Company was unconventional, marked by a blend of scientific and business acumen, informed …

December 8, 2023

Congress Must Hold the CDC Accountable for Cozy Ties to Pharma

Why won’t congressional investigators force the CDC Director to explain why Pfizer and Moderna’s PR firm is embedded at the agency’s vaccine center? Congressional leaders with the House Energy and Commerce investigative subcommittee will question CDC Director Mandy Cohen tomorrow in what should be an interesting hearing on restoring public trust. The …

December 8, 2023

How to “Opt-Out” from the Big Tech Social Credit System

12 crucial steps you should take now to protect your identity, assets, and sovereignty from Big Tech elites. The social credit system is already here in the United States, and its implications for our lives and our children are enormous. For those who aren’t familiar with the topic, the Communist …

December 8, 2023

Students Arise: New Group Says No To COVID Tyranny

College student Lauren Palmer describes her experience with COVID-19 mandates on college campuses and the hypocrisy of college and university mission statements that include “truth” and “critical thinking” and yet ignore or are silent in response to student concerns regarding COVID-19 injection mandates. Palmer is currently working with a small …

Iziah Explains

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