“Liberty is Just a Hobby for These People!”
Mr. Jimmy Dore is a well-known comedian. He’s the host of The Jimmy Dore Show on YouTube, and he regularly performs live stand-up as well. Mr. Dore joined the DailyClout’s podcast, CloutCafe, for a lively conversation about his comedic inspirations, the journey of his stand-up career, and how the COVID …
A Passionate Rebuttal to the Nadrich “Trans Ideology” Interview
After a disappointing interview on the transgender rights movement, DailyClout can bring social healing, compassion and wisdom by interviewing these important voices. In her interview with Ora Nadrich, doula Isabella Malbin manifests, sadly, the gross anti-intellectualism that is so prevalent in much of the podcasting atmosphere of our time. …
Drink Your Vaccines: China Successfully “Immunizes” Mice With mRNA-Loaded Cow’s Milk
“Concerns about surreptitious insertion of mRNA into food are valid! Must be stopped!” says Dr. McCullough. “The nation’s food supply can be manipulated by public health agencies to influence population outcomes,” warned world-renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough on Friday. “Zhang and colleagues have demonstrated that a shortened mRNA code of …