Sen. John Schickel


District SD-011
Party Republican
Bills Introduced 99

Sponsored Legislation

State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2012 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to pharmacy health benefit management. [SB-125]
Create a new section of Subtitle 17A of KRS Chapter 304 to define the terms "contracted pharmacy," "generic exclusivity period," "maximum allowable cost," "multiple source drug," "nationally available," "obsolete," "pharmacy benefit manager," and "temporarily unavailable"; prohibit a pharmacy benefit manager from using a maximum allowable cost as a basis for reimbursement to a pharmacy for a multiple source drug prior to the expiration of the generic exclusivity period; permit a pharmacy benefit manager to use the maximum allowable cost for reimbursement (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Joe Bowen Recommitted To Appropriations & Revenue (s) on 02/22/2012

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2012 Regular Session

AN ACT proposing to amend Section 5 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to right of religious freedom. [SB-158]
Propose to amend Section 5 of the Kentucky Constitution to prohibit any human authority from burdening actions that are based on religious beliefs, except in support of a compelling governmental interest using the least restrictive means to further that interest; define "burden"; submit to voters for ratification or rejection.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jimmy Higdon To Elections, Const. Amendments & Intergovernmental Affairs (h) on 03/19/2012

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2012 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to courtesy cards issued by the Kentucky Board of Embalmers and Funeral Directors. [SB-163]
Amend KRS 316.140 to outline the conditions a person licensed in another state or federal district as an embalmer or funeral director shall meet to obtain a courtesy card, including the completion of an application for a courtesy card on a form provided by the board, and paying a fee that shall not exceed the amount of the fee for renewal for a funeral director or embalmer licensed under the chapter; mandate that the board promulgate administrative regulations necessary for administration and enforcement; add the expiration date for a courtesy card (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. David Givens Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 31) on 04/06/2012

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2012 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to the State Fair Board and declaring an emergency. [SB-165]
Amend KRS 247.090 to require that State Fair Board members appointed by the Governor are subject to confirmation by the Senate; permit each board member to be reappointed only once; make technical corrections.


Sponsored by: Sen. Dan Seum To Agriculture & Small Business (h) on 03/05/2012

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2012 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to the sale of alcoholic beverages at restaurants. [SB-40]
Amend KRS 241.010 to specify that restaurants must receive at least fifty percent of their food and beverage income from the sale of food.


Sponsored by: Sen. John Schickel To: Interim Joint Committee On Licensing And Occupations on 10/05/2012

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2012 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to industrial hemp. [SB-41]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 260 to define "department," "industrial hemp," and "THC"; require persons wanting to grow or process industrial hemp to be licensed by the Department of Agriculture; require criminal history checks by local sheriff; require the department to promulgate administrative regulations to carry out the new sections; require the sheriff to monitor and randomly test industrial hemp fields; assess a fee of five dollars per acre for every acre of industrial hemp grown, with a minimum fee of 150 dollars, to be divided equally (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Julian Carroll Introduced In Senate on 01/03/2012

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2012 Regular Session

AN ACT authorizing a veteran designation on operator's licenses and personal identification cards. [SB-46]
Amend KRS 186.412 to permit a veteran to request at the time of application, that a personal identification card or an operator's license issued under KRS 186.412 bear a designation denoting the applicant's status as a veteran; amend KRS 186.531 to exempt operator's licenses and personal identification cards issued with a veterans designation from initial and renewal fees.


Sponsored by: Sen. Mike Wilson Introduced In Senate on 01/03/2012

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2012 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to livestock. [SB-47]
Amend KRS 217C.030 to define "permitted producer" and "raw milk"; create a new section of KRS Chapter 217C to allow for the sale of raw milk at a farm site.


Sponsored by: Sen. Mike Wilson To Agriculture & Small Business (h) on 02/14/2012

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2012 Regular Session

AN ACT relating to library district boards. [SB-49]
Amend KRS 173.480, relating to public library districts' initial board appointments to allow a county judge/executive with the approval of the fiscal court to appoint the first members of the newly created library board when any of the prospective appointees presented to the judge, in the judge's opinion, are not suitable; amend KRS 173.490, relating to public library districts, to allow a county judge/executive with the approval of the fiscal court to appoint members or fill vacancies of the library board when any of the prospective appointees (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. John Schickel Returned To Local Government (h) on 03/26/2012

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State (Kentucky)
Kentucky 2012 Regular Session

AN ACT proposing an amendment to Section 50 of the Constitution of Kentucky, and repeal of Sections 48 and 49 of the Constitution of Kentucky relating to debt. [SB-56]
Propose an amendment to Section 50 of the Constitution of Kentucky and repeal of Sections 48 and 49 of the Constitution of Kentucky to limit the amount of debt that may be authorized by the General Assembly; submit to the voters for ratification or rejection.


Sponsored by: Sen. Dan Seum Withdrawn on 02/15/2012

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