AN ACT relating to public records. [SB-20]
Create a new section of KRS 65.750 to 65.760 to restrict the availability of recordings of 911 communications to releases by court order; permit release of written transcripts of 911 communications; permit the person who made communication and person who is the subject of communication to permit release of the communication without a court order; permit acquisition of recorded copy in criminal, civil, or administrative proceedings; provide that any person may listen to, but shall not make any recordings of, 911 communications; allow written notes
SB-20: AN ACT relating to public records.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dan Seum
To Judiciary (s) on 01/06/2010
AN ACT relating to the limited sale of alcoholic beverages by the drink at designated state parks. [SB-24]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 242 and 243 to permit the limited sale of distilled spirits, wine, and malt beverages at state resort parks, and qualified state recreational parks; allow a local option election for state resort parks and qualified state recreational parks in dry territory; establish the conditions under which the election will be held; set forth what a state resort park license or qualified state recreational park license entitles the holder to do; amend KRS 243.030 to establish the licensing fee; amend KRS 243.050 to permit
SB-24: AN ACT relating to the limited sale of alcoholic beverages by the drink at designated state parks.
Sponsored by: Sen. Perry Clark
To Licensing, Occupations & Administrative Regulations (s) on 01/06/2010
AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky, adopting a 21st Century Bill of Rights. [SB-3]
Propose to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky, adopting a 21st Century Bill of Rights; claim sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States; establish that no law or rule shall compel certain persons to participate in health care systems, provide abortion services, surrender their firearms, or prevent the severing of coal, or the posting of the Ten Commandments, or actions motivated by a sincerely held religious belief; establish that governmental agencies should promote the use of Kentucky coal
SB-3: AN ACT proposing to create a new section of the Constitution of Kentucky, adopting a 21st Century Bill of Rights.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dan Seum
Posted For Passage In The Regular Orders Of The Day For Monday, January 25, 2010 on 01/25/2010
AN ACT relating to inmate civil actions. [SB-32]
Amend KRS 454.400, 454.405, and 454.415 to require that certain civil actions filed by an inmate against the Department of Corrections, a Department of Corrections contract facility, or a local correctional facility be dismissed if the inmate fails to exhaust that facility's administrative remedies; provide notice of the dismissal to the facility and to all party defendants named in the civil action; permit a court, upon dismissal of the action, to assess reasonable costs against the inmate.
SB-32: AN ACT relating to inmate civil actions.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dan Seum
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 46) on 03/30/2010
AN ACT relating to full disclosure in public safety. [SB-38]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 311 to specify how the phrase "individual, private setting" shall be interpreted in informed consent situations; create a new section of KRS Chapter 311 to require an ultrasound prior to an abortion; amend KRS 311.990 to provide a criminal penalty.
SB-38: AN ACT relating to full disclosure in public safety.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dan Seum
Discharge Petition Filed on 03/17/2010
AN ACT relating to state prisoners. [SB-47]
Amend KRS 441.045, relating to county jail fees, to permit a county jail to charge a medical copayment fee to state prisoners using local jail medical facilities; amend KRS 197.020, relating to state prisoner copayment fees for using state medical facilities, to conform.
SB-47: AN ACT relating to state prisoners.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dan Seum
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 8) on 03/04/2010
AN ACT relating to contracts. [SB-48]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 367 to require that consumer contracts with an automatic renewal clause have the clause conspicuously displayed in the contract and to require that notice of an upcoming renewal period be sent to the consumer, with provisions for enforcement by the Attorney General.
SB-48: AN ACT relating to contracts.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Schickel
To Judiciary (s) on 01/06/2010
AN ACT relating to prosthetics, orthotics, and pedorthics. [SB-60]
Establish and create new sections of KRS Chapter 319B, regarding the licensing and regulation of practitioners of prosthetics, orthotics, and pedorthics; define terms for the chapter; establish the Kentucky Board of Prosthetics, Orthotics, and Pedorthics and its appointment and meeting procedures; clarify board liability to include requirement that current or former board members or affiliated persons act with ordinary care; delineate the duties of the board; require the board to administer and enforce the provisions of the chapter and to promulgate
SB-60: AN ACT relating to prosthetics, orthotics, and pedorthics.
Sponsored by: Sen. Denise Harper Angel
Received In Senate on 03/26/2010