Amend KRS 316.140 to outline the conditions a person licensed in another state or federal district as an embalmer or funeral director shall meet to obtain a courtesy card, including the completion of an application for a courtesy card on a form provided by the board, and paying a fee that shall not exceed the amount of the fee for renewal for a funeral director or embalmer licensed under the chapter; mandate that the board promulgate administrative regulations necessary for administration and enforcement; add the expiration date for a courtesy card of July 31 of each year; prescribe what the holder of a courtesy card may undertake as to acts of funeral directing; mandate that a courtesy card holder shall comply with all laws in Kentucky when engaging in funeral directing in the state; direct the board to report any disciplinary measure taken by the board against a courtesy card holder to the state board or agency that issued the courtesy card's embalmer or funeral director's license or certification; prohibit various acts by a courtesy card holder.