Individual health insurance coverage; resident of State not required to obtain, etc., policy. [HB-10]
Individual health insurance coverage; requirement to obtain. Provides that a resident of the Commonwealth shall not be required to obtain or maintain a policy of individual insurance coverage except as required by a court or the Department of Social Services where the individual is named a party in a judicial or administrative proceeding. This applies regardless of whether the person has or is eligible for health insurance coverage under any policy or program provided by or through his employer or a plan sponsored by the Commonwealth or the federal
HB-10: Individual health insurance coverage; resident of State not required to obtain, etc., policy.
Sponsored by: Rep. John O'Bannon
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0818) on 04/21/2010
Condominium and Property Owners' Association Acts; amending association documents using technology. [HB-1058]
Virginia Condominium Act; the Virginia Property Owners' Association Act; amending association documents using technology. Provides that unless the declaration expressly provides otherwise, any notice required to be sent or received or any signature, vote, consent, or approval required to be obtained under any condominium instrument or declaration may be accomplished using the most advanced technology available at that time if such use is a generally accepted business practice. The electronic notice provisions shall not be applicable to any notice
HB-1058: Condominium and Property Owners' Association Acts; amending association documents using technology.
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Bell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0432) on 04/11/2010
Cooperative Coyote Control Program; reestablished. [HB-1088]
Coyote control. Requires the Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Services to join in a cooperative agreement with the federal government to reestablish the Virginia Cooperative Coyote Damage Control Program to control coyotes that pose a danger to agricultural animals.
HB-1088: Cooperative Coyote Control Program; reestablished.
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Bell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0761) on 04/13/2010
Juvenile records; DJJ to provide information in an investigation of a criminal street gang. [HB-1121]
Juvenile records; gang information; exceptions to confidentiality. Places an affirmative duty on the Department of Juvenile Justice to provide information to law enforcement that may aid in initiating or furthering an investigation of a criminal street gang. The bill also requires, rather than allows, the Department and locally operated court services unit to release to law enforcement information on a juvenile's criminal street gang involvement and the criminal street gang-related activity of others. The Department is prohibited from releasing
HB-1121: Juvenile records; DJJ to provide information in an investigation of a criminal street gang.
Sponsored by: Rep. L. Scott Lingamfelter
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0367) on 04/10/2010
Constitutional amendment; property tax exemption for certain veterans. [HB-1270]
Constitutional amendment (voter referendum); property tax exemptions. Provides for a referendum at the November 2, 2010, election to approve or reject an amendment requiring the General Assembly to provide a real property tax exemption for the principal residence of a veteran, or his or her surviving spouse, if the veteran has a 100 percent service-connected, permanent, and total disability.
HB-1270: Constitutional amendment; property tax exemption for certain veterans.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer McClellan
House: Incorporated By Privileges And Elections (hb149-o'bannon) By Voice Vote on 02/09/2010
Fishing license, special; DGIF to issue free licenses to disabled active duty military personnel. [HB-128]
Special fishing license. Authorizes the Department of Game and Inland Fisheries to issue free fishing licenses to disabled, active duty military personnel who are receiving inpatient or outpatient medical treatment from a hospital in Virginia, an adjoining state, or the District of Columbia. There is no cost for the license, and it is valid for one year.
HB-128: Fishing license, special; DGIF to issue free licenses to disabled active duty military personnel.
Sponsored by: Rep. John O'Bannon
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0822) on 04/21/2010
Prayer at public events; governmental agency to have no authority to regulate. [HB-1282]
Prayer at public events. Provides that whenever an individual is requested to provide prayer, invocation, or benediction at a public event that is sanctioned by a governmental agency, such governmental agency shall have no authority to regulate how that individual refers to God in prayer or to prohibit the religious content of the individual's prayer, invocation, or benediction, provided such prayer, invocation, or benediction is not used to advance a particular religion or to disparage another faith or belief.
HB-1282: Prayer at public events; governmental agency to have no authority to regulate.
Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Bell
House: Left In General Laws on 02/16/2010
Carbon dioxide; prohibits Air Polution Control Board and DEQ to restrict emission thereof. [HB-1357]
Department of Environmental Quality; carbon dioxide. Prohibits the Air Pollution Control Board and the Department of Environmental Quality from taking any action to restrict the emission of carbon dioxide. Any federal law or regulation that purports to prohibit, limit, or control in any way the emission of carbon dioxide shall be without authority, void, and of no force within the boundaries of the Commonwealth.
HB-1357: Carbon dioxide; prohibits Air Polution Control Board and DEQ to restrict emission thereof.
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Bell
House: Continued To 2011 In Agriculture, Chesapeake And Natural Resources By Voice Vote on 02/10/2010
Virtual school programs; established. [HB-1388]
Establishment of virtual school programs. Requires the Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop, and the Board of Education to approve, criteria for approving and monitoring multi-division providers of online courses and virtual school programs. The bill also allows local school boards to enter into contracts with approved private or nonprofit organizations to provide such courses and programs; such contracts shall be exempt from the Virginia Public Procurement Act. Any multi-division online provider operating prior to the adoption of approval
HB-1388: Virtual school programs; established.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0537) on 04/11/2010