Legislative Support Commission; publication of House and Senate voting records. [HB-778]
Publication of House and Senate voting records. Provides that, beginning with the 2011 Regular Session of the General Assembly, the Legislative Support Commission, through the Division of Legislative Automated Systems, from information and data provided by the Clerk of the House and the Clerk of the Senate, must post on the legislative electronic information system (LIS) the recorded committee, subcommittee, and floor votes of each member of the General Assembly on legislation acted upon in each house. The information pertaining to the voting records
HB-778: Legislative Support Commission; publication of House and Senate voting records.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
Senate: Continued To 2011 In Rules (14-y 2-n) on 03/05/2010
Offshore energy resources; production & development permitted 50 miles off Atlantic shoreline. [HB-787]
Offshore energy resources. States that it shall be the policy of the Commonwealth to support oil and natural gas exploration, development, and production 50 miles or more off Virginia's coast, taking into account the impact on affected localities, armed forces, and the mid-Atlantic regional spaceport. Currently, the policy is limited to supporting exploration for natural gas resources 50 miles or more offshore.
HB-787: Offshore energy resources; production & development permitted 50 miles off Atlantic shoreline.
Sponsored by: Rep. John O'Bannon
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0756) on 04/13/2010
State Police Volunteer Chaplaincy Program; established. [HB-9]
State Police Volunteer Chaplaincy Program. Allows the Superintendent of State Police to establish a Volunteer Chaplaincy Program. The Superintendent may establish guidelines regarding the selection, conduct, and supervision of volunteers, but may not regulate the volunteers' expression of religious beliefs. The bill also requires that when a volunteer chaplain provides an invocation or benediction at a Department-sanctioned event, the printed program include a disclaimer that the beliefs expressed are those of the individual and are not endorsed
HB-9: State Police Volunteer Chaplaincy Program; established.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lynwood Lewis
House: Left In General Laws on 02/16/2010
Virginia Universities Clean Energy Development and Economic Stimulus Foundation; created. [HB-928]
Virginia Universities Clean Energy Development and Economic Stimulus Foundation. Creates the Virginia Universities Clean Energy Development and Economic Stimulus Foundation as a body corporate and a political subdivision of the Commonwealth. The Foundation shall identify, obtain, disburse, and administer funding for (i) research and development of alternative fuels, clean energy production, and related technologies; (ii) support of economic development projects in disadvantaged rural areas; and (iii) the provision of assistance in the commercialization
HB-928: Virginia Universities Clean Energy Development and Economic Stimulus Foundation; created.
Sponsored by: Rep. L. Scott Lingamfelter
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0846) on 04/21/2010
Small Business Jobs Grant Fund; created. [HB-943]
Small Business Jobs Grant Fund. Establishes the Small Business Jobs Grant Program and Fund to be administered by the Department of Business Assistance (DBA). The purpose of the Fund is to provide grants to small businesses that create at least five new full-time positions within a 12-month period paying at least the prevailing average annual wage in the locality in which the business is located. Grants will range between $500 and $2,000 per new full-time position based on the education, training and experience required. In awarding grants, priority
HB-943: Small Business Jobs Grant Fund; created.
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Bell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0336) on 04/10/2010
Transportation Trust Fund; increases amount of general fund surplus. [HB-970]
Designation of annual surplus to the Transportation Trust Fund. Increases from two-thirds to 75 percent the amount of the general fund surplus designated to the Transportation Trust Fund within the Comptroller's annual report following the close of each fiscal year. The governor would include in his budget bill an amount for deposit into the Transportation Trust Fund equivalent to the amount designated by the Comptroller.
HB-970: Transportation Trust Fund; increases amount of general fund surplus.
Sponsored by: Rep. L. Scott Lingamfelter
Senate: Left In Finance on 03/08/2010
Medicaid; JLARC to study program to identify opportunity to reduce waste, etc. [HJR-127]
Study; JLARC to study the Commonwealth's Medicaid program to identify opportunities to reduce waste, inefficiency, fraud, and abuse; report. Directs the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission to study the Commonwealth's Medical Assistance program to identify opportunities to reduce waste, inefficiency, fraud, and abuse.
HJR-127: Medicaid; JLARC to study program to identify opportunity to reduce waste, etc.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
House: Bill Text As Passed House And Senate (hj127er) on 03/05/2010