Zero-based budgeting; joint subcommittee to study implementing to determine its utility in State. [HJR-80]
Study; zero-based budgeting; report. Establishes a joint subcommittee to study implementing zero-based budgeting to determine its utility in the Commonwealth. The joint subcommittee shall identify a limited number of state agencies to implement zero-based budgeting, determine if cost savings from this budget technique could be realized, and make recommendations about the implementation of zero-based budgeting by all state agencies.
HJR-80: Zero-based budgeting; joint subcommittee to study implementing to determine its utility in State.
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Bell
House: Left In Rules on 02/16/2010
Federal budget; Congress to propose amendment to U.S. Constitution for balanced budget requirement. [HJR-88]
Memorializing Congress to propse an amendment to the Constitution of the United States for a balanced budget requirement. Expresses the General Assembly's support for a balanced budget amendment and urges Congress to submit such an amendment to the states for ratification in order to promote fiscal integrity at the federal level.
HJR-88: Federal budget; Congress to propose amendment to U.S. Constitution for balanced budget requirement.
Sponsored by: Rep. John O'Bannon
Senate: Left In Rules on 03/08/2010
Electronic legislative information system; Clerk of House of Delegates to post votes of members. [HR-2]
Posting recorded votes to the legislative information system. Directs the Clerk of the House of Delegates to post recorded committee and floor votes of the members of the House to the electronic legislative information system, beginning with the 2011 Regular Session of the General Assembly. The Clerk of the House must submit an executive summary and report of his progress in meeting the directive of this resolution to the 2012 Regular Session of the General Assembly.
HR-2: Electronic legislative information system; Clerk of House of Delegates to post votes of members.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin
House: Left In Rules on 03/14/2010
State sovereignty; Congress urged to honor Tenth amendment of U.S. Constitution. [HR-5]
State sovereignty; Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. Urges Congress to honor state sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and claims sovereignty for the Commonwealth under the Tenth Amendment over all powers not otherwise enumerated and granted to the federal government by the United States Constitution.
HR-5: State sovereignty; Congress urged to honor Tenth amendment of U.S. Constitution.
Sponsored by: Rep. John O'Bannon
House: Left In Privileges And Elections on 03/14/2010