Parole Board; creates Parole Qualifications Committee to receive and review applications.

HB 2224 Parole Board; creates Parole Qualifications Committee to receive and review applications

Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Parole Board; creates Parole Qualifications Committee to receive and review applications.

About HB-2224

Parole Board; appointment; terms. Creates the Parole Qualifications Committee to receive and review applications for vacancies on the Parole Board. The bill requires the Committee to provide a nonbinding recommendation list of three eligible candidates to the Governor and requires that eligible candidates, other than a crime victim who may be appointed by the Governor pursuant to current law, for the Parole Board have (i) a law degree or a degree from an accredited university or college with a major in criminology, corrections, or a related social science and (ii) at least five years of experience in corrections, criminal justice, or criminal law. The bill establishes five-year terms for members of the Parole Board; current law does not establish terms but provides that members serve at the pleasure of the Governor.


Bill Texts

Prefiled 01/11/2017

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Left In Militia, Police And Public Safety


Subcommittee Recommends Laying On The Table By Voice Vote


Assigned Mpps Sub: #2


Prefiled And Ordered Printed; Offered 01/11/17 17103675d


Referred To Committee On Militia, Police And Public Safety
