S.amdt.1502 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S3976)
S.amdt.1858 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S3976)
Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S3975-3980)
S.amdt.1858 Amendment Sa 1858 Not Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 42 - 58. Record Vote Number: 223.
S.amdt.1502 Point Of Order That The Amendment Violates Section 4106 Of H. Con. Res. 71, 115th Congress, Raised In Senate With Respect To Amendment Sa 1502.
S.amdt.1502 Motion To Waive All Applicable Budgetary Discipline With Respect To Amendment Sa 1502 Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 72 - 28. Record Vote Number: 224.
S.amdt.1502 Amendment Sa 1502 Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 68 - 32. Record Vote Number: 225.
Cloture Motion On The Bill Withdrawn By Unanimous Consent In Senate. (cr S3977)
Passed Senate, Under The Order Of 5/28/21, Having Achieved 60 Votes In The Affirmative, With An Amendment By Yea-nay Vote. 68 - 32. Record Vote Number: 226.
Passed Senate, Under The Order Of 5/28/21, Having Achieved 60 Votes In The Affirmative, With An Amendment By Yea-nay Vote. 68 - 32. Record Vote Number: 226. (text: Cr S4049-4499)
S.amdt.1502 Considered By Senate.
S.amdt.1858 Considered By Senate.
Considered By Senate.
S.amdt.1502 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S3915)
S.amdt.1858 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S3915)
Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S3915-3926)
S.amdt.1502 Considered By Senate.
S.amdt.1527 Considered By Senate.
Considered By Senate.
S.amdt.1502 Cloture On Amendment Sa 1502 Invoked In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 68 - 30. Record Vote Number: 214.
S.amdt.1802 Amendment Sa 1802 Proposed By Senator Rubio To Amendment Sa 1527. To Protect The United States Against Efforts Of China And Other Foreign Entities To Engage In Economic Espionage And To Misappropriate United States Intellectual Property, Research And Development, And Innovation Efforts.
S.amdt.1562 Amendment Sa 1562 Proposed By Senator Crapo To Amendment Sa 1502. To Ensure Trade Is Conducted Consistent With American Values, To Ensure Resiliency In Critical Supply Chains, To Improve Transparency And Administration Of Trade Programs And Oversight And Accountability Of Trade Agencies, And To Promote American Competitiveness.
S.amdt.1802 Motion To Table Amendment Sa 1802 Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 55 - 40. Record Vote Number: 215.
S.amdt.1562 Amendment Sa 1562 As Modified, Under The Order Of 5/27/21, Having Achieved 60 Votes In The Affirmative, Was Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 91 - 4. Record Vote Number: 216.
S.amdt.1527 Proposed Amendment Sa 1527 Withdrawn In Senate.
S.amdt.1858 Amendment Sa 1858 Proposed By Senator Cornyn To Amendment Sa 1502. To Modify The Semiconductor Incentives Program Of The Department Of Commerce.
S.amdt.1502 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S3549)
S.amdt.1527 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S3549)
Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S3549-3851, S3851-3876)
S.amdt.1802 Amendment Sa 1802 Proposed By Senator Rubio To Amendment Sa 1527. (consideration: Cr S3551, S3838-3839; Text: Cr S3551-3552) To Protect The United States Against Efforts Of China And Other Foreign Entities To Engage In Economic Espionage And To Misappropriate United States Intellectual Property, Research And Development, And Innovation Efforts.
S.amdt.1562 Amendment Sa 1562 Proposed By Senator Crapo To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S3549, S3552-3838, S3839; Text: Cr S3552-3836) To Ensure Trade Is Conducted Consistent With American Values, To Ensure Resiliency In Critical Supply Chains, To Improve Transparency And Administration Of Trade Programs And Oversight And Accountability Of Trade Agencies, And To Promote American Competitiveness.
S.amdt.1527 Proposed Amendment Sa 1527 Withdrawn In Senate. (consideration: Cr S3864)
S.amdt.1858 Amendment Sa 1858 Proposed By Senator Cornyn To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S3864; Text: Cr S3864) To Modify The Semiconductor Incentives Program Of The Department Of Commerce.
S.amdt.1502 Considered By Senate.
S.amdt.1527 Considered By Senate.
Considered By Senate.
S.amdt.2014 Amendment Sa 2014 Proposed By Senator Schumer For Senator Durbin To Amendment Sa 1502. To Express The Sense Of The Senate On The Allocation Of Special Drawing Rights By The International Monetary Fund To Help Other Countries Procure Covid-19 Vaccines And Protect Against The Economic Instability Caused By The Covid-19 Pandemic.
S.amdt.1710 Amendment Sa 1710 Proposed By Senator Schumer For Senator Kennedy To Amendment Sa 1502. To Prohibit Allocations Of Special Drawing Rights At The International Monetary Fund For Perpetrators Of Genocide And State Sponsors Of Terrorism Without Congressional Authorization.
S.amdt.1911 Amendment Sa 1911 Proposed By Senator Schumer For Senator Sullivan To Amendment Sa 1502. To Require Institutions Of Higher Education To Submit Attestations On Freedom Of Speech.
S.amdt.1911 Amendment Sa 1911 Not Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 49 - 51. Record Vote Number: 207.
S.amdt.2014 Amendment Sa 2014, Under The Order Of 5/25/21, Not Having Achieved 60 Votes In The Affirmative, Was Not Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 50 - 50. Record Vote Number: 208.
S.amdt.1710 Amendment Sa 1710, Under The Order Of 5/25/21, Not Having Achieved 60 Votes In The Affirmative, Was Not Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 51 - 49. Record Vote Number: 209.
S.amdt.1588 Amendment Sa 1588 Proposed By Senator Coons To Amendment Sa 1502. To Establish The Foundation For Energy Security And Innovation.
S.amdt.1588 Amendment Sa 1588, Under The Order Of 5/25/21, Having Achieved 60 Votes In The Affirmative, Was Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 83 - 14. Record Vote Number: 210.
S.amdt.1929 Amendment Sa 1929 Proposed By Senator Lee To Amendment Sa 1502. To Establish A Task Force For Regulatory Oversight And Review.
S.amdt.1929 Amendment Sa 1929, Under The Order Of 5/25/21, Not Having Achieved 60 Votes In The Affirmative, Was Not Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 48 - 49. Record Vote Number: 211.
S.amdt.1771 Amendment Sa 1771 Proposed By Senator Braun To Amendment Sa 1502. To Amend Title 18, United States Code, To Prohibit Certain Types Of Human-animal Chimeras.
S.amdt.1771 Amendment Sa 1771, Under The Order Of 5/25/21, Not Having Achieved 60 Votes In The Affirmative, Was Not Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 48 - 49. Record Vote Number: 212.
S.amdt.1973 Amendment Sa 1973 Proposed By Senator Marshall To Amendment Sa 1502. To Express The Sense Of The Senate Regarding The Need To Conduct A Comprehensive Investigation To Determine The Origins Of Covid-19, And For Other Purposes.
S.amdt.1973 Amendment Sa 1973 As Modified Agreed To In Senate By Voice Vote.
S.amdt.2023 Amendment Sa 2023 Proposed By Senator Sasse To Amendment Sa 1502. To Authorize Appropriations For The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency To Conduct Research And Development In Key Technology Focus Areas.
S.amdt.2023 Amendment Sa 2023, Under The Order Of 5/25/21, Having Achieved 60 Votes In The Affirmative, Was Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 67 - 30. Record Vote Number: 213.
S.amdt.1502 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S3470-3471, S3492-3496)
S.amdt.1527 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S3470)
Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S3470-3471, S3476-3479, S3481-3484, S3486, S3492-3496)
S.amdt.2014 Amendment Sa 2014 Proposed By Senator Schumer For Senator Durbin To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S3470, S3479; Text: Cr S3470) To Express The Sense Of The Senate On The Allocation Of Special Drawing Rights By The International Monetary Fund To Help Other Countries Procure Covid-19 Vaccines And Protect Against The Economic Instability Caused By The Covid-19 Pandemic.
S.amdt.1710 Amendment Sa 1710 Proposed By Senator Schumer For Senator Kennedy To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S3470, S3479; Text: Cr S3470) To Prohibit Allocations Of Special Drawing Rights At The International Monetary Fund For Perpetrators Of Genocide And State Sponsors Of Terrorism Without Congressional Authorization.
S.amdt.1911 Amendment Sa 1911 Proposed By Senator Schumer For Senator Sullivan To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S3470-3471, S3476-3477; Text: Cr S3471) To Require Institutions Of Higher Education To Submit Attestations On Freedom Of Speech.
S.amdt.1588 Amendment Sa 1588 Proposed By Senator Coons To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S3492-3493; Text: 05/19/2021 Cr S3121-3124) To Establish The Foundation For Energy Security And Innovation.
S.amdt.1929 Amendment Sa 1929 Proposed By Senator Lee To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S3493-3494; Text: 05/24/2021 Cr S3343) To Establish A Task Force For Regulatory Oversight And Review.
S.amdt.1771 Amendment Sa 1771 Proposed By Senator Braun To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S3494-3495; Text: Cr S3494) To Amend Title 18, United States Code, To Prohibit Certain Types Of Human-animal Chimeras.
S.amdt.1973 Amendment Sa 1973 Proposed By Senator Marshall To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S3495; Text: Cr S3495) To Express The Sense Of The Senate Regarding The Need To Conduct A Comprehensive Investigation To Determine The Origins Of Covid-19, And For Other Purposes.
S.amdt.2023 Amendment Sa 2023 Proposed By Senator Sasse To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S3495-3496; Text: Cr S3495) To Authorize Appropriations For The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency To Conduct Research And Development In Key Technology Focus Areas.
S.amdt.1588 Amendment Sa 1588 Proposed By Senator Coons To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S3492-3493; Text: Cr S3121-3124) To Establish The Foundation For Energy Security And Innovation.
S.amdt.1929 Amendment Sa 1929 Proposed By Senator Lee To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S3493-3494; Text: Cr S3343) To Establish A Task Force For Regulatory Oversight And Review.
S.amdt.1502 Considered By Senate.
S.amdt.1527 Considered By Senate.
Considered By Senate.
S.amdt.1975 Amendment Sa 1975 Proposed By Senator Cantwell For Senator Wyden To Amendment Sa 1502. To Set Forth Trade Policy, Negotiating Objectives, And Congressional Oversight Requirements Relating To The Response To The Covid-19 Pandemic.
S.amdt.1565 Amendment Sa 1565 Proposed By Senator Cantwell For Senator Crapo To Amendment Sa 1502. To Provide Limitations On The Authority Of The President To Modify Trade Agreements.
S.amdt.2003 Amendment Sa 2003 Proposed By Senator Cantwell For Senator Paul To Amendment Sa 1502. To Prohibit The National Institutes Of Health And Any Other Federal Agency From Funding Gain-of-function Research Conducted In China.
S.amdt.1507 Amendment Sa 1507 Proposed By Senator Cantwell For Senator Ernst To Amendment Sa 1502. To Prohibit Any Federal Funding For The Wuhan Institute Of Virology.
S.amdt.1787 Amendment Sa 1787 Proposed By Senator Cantwell For Senator Daines To Amendment Sa 1502. To Direct The President To Enforce The Intellectual Property Provisions Of The Economic And Trade Agreement Between The Government Of The United States Of America And The Government Of China.
S.amdt.1891 Amendment Sa 1891 Proposed By Senator Cantwell For Senator Lee To Amendment Sa 1502. To Impose Limitations On Research.
S.amdt.1975 Amendment Sa 1975, Under The Order Of 5/25/21, Not Having Achieved 60 Votes In The Affirmative, Was Not Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 50 - 49. Record Vote Number: 204.
S.amdt.1565 Amendment Sa 1565, Under The Order Of 5/25/21, Not Having Achieved 60 Votes In The Affirmative, Was Not Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 53 - 46. Record Vote Number: 205.
S.amdt.2003 Amendment Sa 2003 Agreed To In Senate By Voice Vote.
S.amdt.1507 Amendment Sa 1507 Agreed To In Senate By Voice Vote.
S.amdt.1787 Amendment Sa 1787 Agreed To In Senate By Voice Vote.
S.amdt.1891 Amendment Sa 1891, Under The Order Of 5/25/21, Not Having Achieved 60 Votes In The Affirmative, Was Not Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 48 - 51. Record Vote Number: 206.
S.amdt.1502 Cloture Motion On Amendment Sa 1502 Presented In Senate.
Cloture Motion On The Bill Presented In Senate.
S.amdt.1502 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S3401)
S.amdt.1527 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S3401)
Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S3401-3410, S3413-3416)
S.amdt.1975 Amendment Sa 1975 Proposed By Senator Cantwell For Senator Wyden To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S3407-3408; Text: Cr S3401-3402) To Set Forth Trade Policy, Negotiating Objectives, And Congressional Oversight Requirements Relating To The Response To The Covid-19 Pandemic.
S.amdt.1565 Amendment Sa 1565 Proposed By Senator Cantwell For Senator Crapo To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S3407-3408; Text: Cr S3402) To Provide Limitations On The Authority Of The President To Modify Trade Agreements.
S.amdt.2003 Amendment Sa 2003 Proposed By Senator Cantwell For Senator Paul To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S3408-3409; Text: Cr S3402) To Prohibit The National Institutes Of Health And Any Other Federal Agency From Funding Gain-of-function Research Conducted In China.
S.amdt.1507 Amendment Sa 1507 Proposed By Senator Cantwell For Senator Ernst To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S3409; Text: Cr S3402) To Prohibit Any Federal Funding For The Wuhan Institute Of Virology.
S.amdt.1787 Amendment Sa 1787 Proposed By Senator Cantwell For Senator Daines To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S3409; Text: Cr S3402-3403) To Direct The President To Enforce The Intellectual Property Provisions Of The Economic And Trade Agreement Between The Government Of The United States Of America And The Government Of China.
S.amdt.1891 Amendment Sa 1891 Proposed By Senator Cantwell For Senator Lee To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S3409-3410; Text: Cr S3403) To Impose Limitations On Research.
S.amdt.1502 Cloture Motion On Amendment Sa 1502 Presented In Senate. (cr: S3416)
Cloture Motion On The Bill Presented In Senate. (cr S3416)
S.amdt.1527 Considered By Senate.
S.amdt.1502 Considered By Senate.
Considered By Senate.
S.amdt.1527 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S3318)
S.amdt.1502 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S3318)
Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S3318-3326)
S.amdt.1502 Considered By Senate.
S.amdt.1527 Considered By Senate.
Considered By Senate.
S.amdt.1523 Amendment Sa 1523 Proposed By Senator Inhofe To Amendment Sa 1502. To Express The Sense Of The Senate And Establish Points Of Order To Ensure The United States Adequately Funds National Defense With A Whole-of-government Investment Plan For Strategic Competition With The People's Republic Of China.
S.amdt.1518 Amendment Sa 1518 Proposed By Senator Johnson To Amendment Sa 1502. To Prohibit The Cancellation Of Contracts For Physical Barriers And Other Border Security Measures For Which Funds Already Have Been Obligated And For Which Penalties Will Be Incurred In The Case Of Such Cancellation And Prohibiting The Use Of Funds For Payment Of Such Penalties.
S.amdt.1523 Amendment Sa 1523, Under The Order Of 5/19/21, Not Having Achieved 60 Votes In The Affirmative, Was Not Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 44 - 53. Record Vote Number: 198.
S.amdt.1518 Amendment Sa 1518, Under The Order Of 5/19/21, Not Having Achieved 60 Votes In The Affirmative, Was Not Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 46 - 48. Record Vote Number: 199.
S.amdt.1502 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S3175)
S.amdt.1527 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S3175)
Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S3175-3182, S3182-3186, S3187-3189)
S.amdt.1523 Amendment Sa 1523 Proposed By Senator Inhofe To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S3175-3180; Text: Cr S3175-3176) To Express The Sense Of The Senate And Establish Points Of Order To Ensure The United States Adequately Funds National Defense With A Whole-of-government Investment Plan For Strategic Competition With The People's Republic Of China.
S.amdt.1518 Amendment Sa 1518 Proposed By Senator Johnson To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S3176, S3180-3182, S3182-3183; Text: Cr S3176) To Prohibit The Cancellation Of Contracts For Physical Barriers And Other Border Security Measures For Which Funds Already Have Been Obligated And For Which Penalties Will Be Incurred In The Case Of Such Cancellation And Prohibiting The Use Of Funds For Payment Of Such Penalties.
Considered By Senate.
S.amdt.1502 Considered By Senate.
S.amdt.1527 Amendment Sa 1527 Proposed By Senator Cantwell To Amendment Sa 1502. To Improve The Bill.
S.amdt.1517 Amendment Sa 1517 Proposed By Senator Cantwell For Senator Tillis To Amendment Sa 1502. To Amend Chapter 11 Of Title 35, United States Code, To Require The Voluntary Collection Of Demographic Information For Patent Inventors, And For Other Purposes.
S.amdt.1547 Amendment Sa 1547 Proposed By Senator Cantwell For Senator Scott Fl To Amendment Sa 1502. To Direct Unobligated Amounts Made Available Under Coronavirus Relief Legislation For Purposes Of Carrying Out This Act.
S.amdt.1517 Amendment Sa 1517, Under The Order Of 5/19/21, Having Achieved 60 Votes In The Affirmative, Was Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 71 - 27. Record Vote Number: 196.
S.amdt.1547 Amendment Sa 1547, Under The Order Of 5/19/21, Not Having Achieved 60 Votes In The Affirmative, Was Not Agreed To In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 47 - 50. Record Vote Number: 197.
Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S2752-2755, S2757-2758, S2763-2764, S2768-2769, S2773-2775)
S.amdt.1502 Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S2752)
S.amdt.1527 Amendment Sa 1527 Proposed By Senator Cantwell To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S2752; Text: Cr S2752) To Improve The Bill.
S.amdt.1517 Amendment Sa 1517 Proposed By Senator Cantwell For Senator Tillis To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S2763-2764, S2768-2769; Text: Cr S2763-2764) To Amend Chapter 11 Of Title 35, United States Code, To Require The Voluntary Collection Of Demographic Information For Patent Inventors, And For Other Purposes.
S.amdt.1547 Amendment Sa 1547 Proposed By Senator Cantwell For Senator Scott Fl To Amendment Sa 1502. (consideration: Cr S2763-2764, S2769; Text: Cr S2764) To Direct Unobligated Amounts Made Available Under Coronavirus Relief Legislation For Purposes Of Carrying Out This Act.
Motion To Proceed To Measure Considered In Senate.
Motion To Proceed To Consideration Of Measure Agreed To In Senate By Voice Vote.
Measure Laid Before Senate By Motion.
The Committee Substitute Withdrawn By Unanimous Consent.
S.amdt.1502 Amendment Sa 1502 Proposed By Senator Schumer. In The Nature Of A Substitute.
Motion To Proceed To Measure Considered In Senate. (cr S2555)
Measure Laid Before Senate By Motion. (consideration: Cr S2568-2569)
S.amdt.1502 Amendment Sa 1502 Proposed By Senator Schumer. (consideration: Cr S2568-2569; Text: Cr S2581-2734) In The Nature Of A Substitute.
Motion To Proceed To Measure Considered In Senate.
Cloture On The Motion To Proceed To The Measure Invoked In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 86 - 11. Record Vote Number: 192.
Motion To Proceed To Measure Considered In Senate. (cr S2535)
Cloture On The Motion To Proceed To The Measure Invoked In Senate By Yea-nay Vote. 86 - 11. Record Vote Number: 192. (cr S2541)
Committee On Commerce, Science, And Transportation. Reported By Senator Cantwell With An Amendment In The Nature Of A Substitute. Without Written Report.
Placed On Senate Legislative Calendar Under General Orders. Calendar No. 58.
Motion To Proceed To Consideration Of Measure Made In Senate.
Cloture Motion On The Motion To Proceed To The Measure Presented In Senate.
Motion To Proceed To Consideration Of Measure Made In Senate. (cr S2504)
Cloture Motion On The Motion To Proceed To The Measure Presented In Senate. (cr S2504)
Committee On Commerce, Science, And Transportation. Ordered To Be Reported With An Amendment In The Nature Of A Substitute Favorably.
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Commerce, Science, And Transportation.
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Commerce, Science, And Transportation. (text: Cr S2070-2085)