Embroidery: “If Pfizer Controlled the ‘Data’ They Controlled the Outcome”
Report 32 inspired me to create an embroidery that reflects both the beauty and pain of questions. Robert Chandler points out that the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Antigen does not stay at the injection site. He goes on to mention the several serious questions that are raised such as how long Spike persists inside the cell and that we need answers for there to be proper informed consent.
My embroidery is, overall, a question mark. It is a question mark that is an elegant bird, a viscous creature, a person getting vaccinated, and a clothes hanger. Like the problems we face, there are many nuances. The truth is not absolute. The question mark represents for me that which is as volatile as the truth.
The elegant bird represents freedom, strength, and pride in the question. The question can be a beautiful thing because it can bring us closer to a better understanding.
The vicious creature, shown by the sharp teeth, represents a creature that needs to fight back for self-defense. Asking questions today can bring a person under attack. Animals and amphibians that show their teeth often symbolize evil yet I wonder if it is the evil inflicted on them and their habitat that is the real evil. Animal habitat is often under threat when people take over and need more resources. Maybe we are both part perpetrator and part victim.
There is a profile of a face that is part of the question mark and it is being vaccinated in the shoulder by a fasces needle. A fasces is a bundle of rods with a projecting axe blade as a symbol of authority in ancient Rome. I have included the Spike antigen at the site of the injection. It is pretty close to the heart. The needle is a fasces here because of the power and authority that Big Pharma demonstrates.
The clothes hanger is pink and is a symbol of consumerism. It may be part of the answer of how we got to where we are. Purchasing the latest styles and agreeing with Big Pharma may have caused us some of this harm. We may have helped to create the monster that we now must fight.
It won’t be easy to ask questions, and not make assumptions, because we are being attacked by an authority that doesn’t like questions. It isn’t too late to make changes and ask questions as Robert Chandler has done in this report.