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December 1, 2023

Thankful: Attaining ‘Puppy Heart’

Photo by Taylor Kopel on Unsplash This morning, my dog Loki — who has a puppy heart still at 14 months, and will no doubt always have a puppy temperament, whatever his age —stepped out into Thanksgiving morning; into the upstate New York, rural, outside world. He walked onto the porch of the …

November 30, 2023

NEW Excerpt From ‘Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith and Resistance in a New Dark Age’

Dr. Naomi Wolf reads an excerpt from her new book, Facing the Beast: Courage, Faith and Resistance in a New Dark Age. She shares her excitement for the new release and explains why it is more important than ever to stay informed.   Get Your Copy of Facing the …

November 30, 2023

Watch LIVE: MIT Speech by Steve Kirsch: Special Time 6pm ET | 3pm PT   Data bombshell from Steve Kirsch in a speech at Kirsch Auditorium at MIT.   Watch an exclusive special episode of VSRF LIVE as we come LIVE from Kirsch Auditorium at MIT for a speech by VSRF Founder Steve Kirsch where he will deliver a data drop that according …

November 29, 2023

Pascal Najadi, Son of WEF Co-founder, CALLS FOR ARREST of Bill Gates, WHO Leaders, Klaus Schwab, Pfizer, & Big Tech The son of a World Economic Forum (WEF) co-founder has blown the whistle and is calling for the arrest of the globalist elite for “crimes against humanity.” Powerful retired Swiss banker Pascal Najadi, whose father Hussain Najadi was assassinated in 2013, is calling for justice against those responsible for …

November 29, 2023

COMING SOON: Volume 2 of the Pfizer Documents Analysis! Pre-Order Now

Pre-Order The Pfizer Papers   The Pfizer Papers features new reports written by WarRoom/DailyClout research volunteers, which are based on the primary source Pfizer clinical trial documents released under court order and on related medical literature. The book shows in high relief that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial was deeply flawed …

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