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March 28, 2024

“Perverse Incentives”

I. Introduction We live in a world awash in perverse incentives. A perverse incentive is when the rules, structures, or practices of any system reward bad behavior or sociopathic outcomes. I had to come up with my own definition because all of the official definitions claim that perverse incentives are unintended. …

March 27, 2024

Unrestricted Investigates E25S2: “An Interview with J6er Jake Lang”

Brian O’Shea discusses with J6er the realities of what really happened that day and the unjust justice system’s systemic attack on everyday Americans. Jake Lang joins Brian O’Shea via phone to discuss this and more! Tune in and find out all the stuff they purposefully never told you about! …

March 26, 2024

“What Shall It Profit A Man?”

Originally published on Substack HONESTY Is Such A Lonely Word– The Week In Malwords DISHONESTY got the green light last week, when Judge Scott McAfee opined “The Court is not under an obligation to ferret out every instance of potential DISHONESTY from each witness or defendant ever presented in open court.” …

March 26, 2024

“Dr. Meryl Nass Sounds Five Alarm Warning Re WHO” Most of us know by now about the WHO treaty looming in May 2024, that will drain sovereignty from the US and other signatory nations. Bioweapons expert Dr. Meryl Nass explains what is even scarier than those headlines: the WHO will also create via this treaty, a global repository …

March 25, 2024

Report 97: Pfizer Obscured Myocarditis Safety Signal Specific to Young Men. FDA Took Five Months to Notice Pfizer’s Obfuscation.

Career scientists are struggling with attention to detail in fulfilling their vaccine safety duties. Their conclusions, marked by errors and oversights, have led to lives lost and debilitating disorders, as proven by the government scientists’ own review documents. In spring 2021, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted emergency …

Iziah Explains

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