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March 29, 2024

We Published An Op-Ed On The Unprecedented Rise In Cancer Among Young People And Questioned The Link To mRNA Vaccines

Investigative journalist Mary Beth Preiffer and myself, helped by actuarial expert Mary Pat Campbell, published an Op-Ed about the recent alarming rise in cancers among young people like Princess Kate. We have now published three Op-Ed’s on the excess mortality and disability rate spikes which have occurred subsequent to the …

March 29, 2024

The Real Threat to Your Way of Life

Why famine and food shortages grow more likely each day — in America! With a constant stream of Hollywood end-of-the-world calamity blockbuster movies, Americans are generally distracted from the real-life disaster scenario that threatens us.  Growing dependency on processed foods, often shipped long distances via crammed distribution systems, has created a …

March 29, 2024

“Vaccine Skeptics are the True Critical Thinkers”

We Overcame the Most Sophisticated Forms of Manipulation This post is the first in my future series, on how governments and shady non-governmental players psychologically manipulated us during the Covid-19 crisis. In this series, I will highlight various dirty tricks and explain why most people fell for them, one per post. …

March 29, 2024

“Is Your Shaving Cream Suppressing your Testosterone?” [Sponsored]

Charlene Bollinger, pioneer anti-cancer activist, author, and founder of toxin-free CHARLIS Beauty (disclosure, DailyClout’s sponsor), explains how parabens and phthalates are added, for no good reason, to men’s skincare and personal care products, including shaving cream. This, she notes, is a major factor in the low testosterone levels many men …

March 29, 2024

The Dying Game: The Business of Depopulation

As the excess body count piles up, new industries have emerged to sanitise the messy job of culling the native Irish population. Elizabeth Oakes: That’s something I would definitely advocate is start talking about what you would like for your end-of-life options? Tommy Tiernan: Like when? Like I’m 50. Elizabeth Oakes: I’d be …

Iziah Explains

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