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June 23, 2022

Why Burning So Many Old Fossil Fuels Is A Problem – Video

Meet the Fossils – We are burning our resources at a rapid rate – Writer and narrator Robert Krulwich explains how in this “CBS Sunday Morning” video essay, based on the work of Aatish Bhatia. Animation directed and designed by Nate Milton. Music by Buck St. Thomas.   Watch it HERE 


June 22, 2022

Russia’s War Against Psy-Ops is Our War – Part I: The Empire or Us

Russia’s War Against Psy-Ops is Our War – Part I: The Empire or Us This is the first of a series of short essays exploring the relationships between the rise of the Psy-Op State, Covid-19, and NATO’s proxy war against the Russian Federation. The series will highlight psychological operations (psy-ops) …


June 22, 2022

Working From Home – We’ll Never Reach the Same Equilibrium Again

Working From Home – We’ll Never Reach the Same Equilibrium Again You Can Never Go Home Again.  Or to Office. For Pretty Much the Same Reason. Everybody, including Elon Musk, wants us to go back to the office, but we can never go to the office again. Once we leave …


June 22, 2022

Rethinking the Second Amendment

Rethinking the Second Amendment Can We Indeed Have Peace and Freedom Without Guns? I wrote this essay some weeks ago, but I kept waiting to publish it til tragic mass shootings were no longer in the news. But that day looks as if it will never come, so I am …

Legal Action Against FDA

June 22, 2022

Support Legal Action Against the FDA & Big Pharma

  The WarRoom/DailyClout volunteers have uncovered shocking risks associated with the COVID-19 vaccines. Inordinately high rates of myocarditis, lipids affecting the liver, damage to female reproductive systems, reduced sperm counts in males, and more.  Even a layman’s look at what has already been uncovered will give anyone pause about the …

Iziah Explains

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