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October 17, 2022

Dr. Naomi Wolf: The Growing Acceptance Of Euthanasia Resembles Practices Of Nazi Germany [VIDEO]

Dr. Naomi Wolf appeared on Steve Bannon’s Warroom to discuss the role of the medical professionals who partake in crimes against humanity.   Link to Video Please watch and share!

October 17, 2022

Scottish Herald Accepts Nonsensical Public Health Claim that MRNA Vaccines Unrelated to Scottish Baby Deaths

Fri, Oct 14, 2022 at 1:30 PM Dear Ms. McArdle, We saw your report in The Herald about public health authorities ruling out a ‘plausible’ link between neonatal deaths in Scotland, and mRNA vaccines. Sadly, they are making a grave mistake. We have 3500 medical and scientific experts creating reports …

October 17, 2022

“Corona Fascism”

The Cancellation and Suicide of one of Germany’s Greatest Musicians Note: The following essay by John Leake is the second in his series about censorship. For decades it’s been a common practice to compare bad, authoritarian, or disliked politicians to Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party. Few of these comparisons …

October 14, 2022

The Slow, Painful Death of Journalistic Ethics Like a Wounded Animal, Big Pharma’s United Kingdom Media Apparatus Lashes Out Against a US Journalist for Telling the Truth This censorship harms the British public and especially British women and children. Palm Beach, Florida ( Friday Oct 14, 2022 @ 7:00 AM Central — On October 4th, and …

October 14, 2022

Second-Class Scholar: How College COVID-19 Mandates Shattered My Dreams

Phoebe Liou, accepted to the University of Connecticut (UConn) at just 16 years old, was faced with fighting to remain at her school and to retain $23,000 of merit scholarships. It was the semester of Fall 2021 at the school of my dreams, the University of Connecticut (UConn). I purchased …

Iziah Explains

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