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April 19, 2023

Should Transgender Women Be Allowed to Compete Against Biological Women?

The Biden administration has proposed a change to Title IX; this change would require schools to allow students to compete on whichever sports team is consistent with their gender identity.   It’s no secret that trans women have increasingly been permitted to participate alongside biological women in sports. Weightlifter Laurel Hubbard, track and field …

April 19, 2023

Trans Women Belong Everywhere — Especially in Sports

Originally Published on The Pitt News As a competitive runner for almost seven years, the victories aren’t what stand out in my memory. Rather, I’m grateful for the experiences and lessons the sport taught me — how to persevere through challenges, accomplish a common goal with other people and how …

April 18, 2023

People are Dying in their Sleep. What is Really Happening? – Dr. Peter McCullough

Dr. Peter McCullough has been sounding the alarm on mRNA vaccines from the beginning. A renowned cardiologist, medical journal editor and Senate witness, Dr. McCullough has been warning that mRNA vaccines have significant side effects, including myocarditis since the onset of vaccination. Most significantly, the vaccines have the potential to …

April 18, 2023

The Israeli Ministry of Health Admits: To Date, 0.2 Percent of Infants and Toddlers in Israel Have Received the Covid-19 Vaccine

As originally published on Dr. Shir-Raz’s Substack Only 1,932 infants and toddlers have received the Covid-19 vaccine so far, the Ministry of Health said yesterday. The figure was provided in response to a request forwarded by Real Time magazine (Zman Emet) to questions regarding the vaccination of infants and toddlers. …

April 17, 2023

Connecting Oil/Gas Pipeline Politics to Wars, Genocides, and Current Ethnic Cleansing of Artsakh’s Armenians

Originally published on the author’s Substack. An Exposé Of The Long Bloody History Leading To The Current Existential Danger Artsakh’s Armenians Are Facing At the Hands of the Azerbaijanis and their Allies An urgent deep dive with investigative journalist Charlotte Dennett into the mass-murderous history of oil/gas pipeline politics leading …

Iziah Explains

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